The Brown-Eyed Girls

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I'm sorry! This is absurdly long!

Roger and I had woken up at least four times the night before. Maybe it was the I love you’s that brought out our really amorous side.  We hadn’t really slept that much. Maybe…maybe a couple hours. I was in a state of pure bliss and exhaustion. This was the most wonderful day of my life. I felt incredibly hungover yet still drunk at the same time. Maybe I was still drunk on Roger. My shoulders were burning and I can’t describe how sore my thighs and my lower back were. As I barely opened my eyes, I felt so very content and in love despite the fact that I could hardly move right now.

 One thing I had already learned, when Roger said I love you…it meant ‘you’re gonna’ sleep a lot less…at least tonight ya’ are.’ I had no idea what time it was but I knew I had to find wherever the hell it was I put my pill blister and take it regardless of the time. Oh god, my ribs hurt. I think this was a combination of sleepin’ in the floor, rollin’ off the blanket in the middle of the night and…well, you know. I pushed myself up on my arms only to realize how damn dizzy I was. My knees were burnin’ and my elbows were on fire. I slinked lifelessly back into the floor, feeling the roughness of carpet against my face. I was exhausted…but I already mentioned that. I had to force myself to take my pill…wherever it was. I feared anything in my stomach would come right back up. I knew I would eventually have to wake up long enough to attain some stability. I closed my eyes again and felt the room spin, wondering if I were any closer to that damn glass. It was extremely cold down here this morning. Where…where on earth was my robe? I looked over at Roger, whom I couldn’t clearly see in this darkness, I had to go open the door and let some light filter down here. I felt around and felt a soft tank shirt where Roger and I had dropped everything the night before. This would do. Shit…I needed pants or somethin’…okay…I was makin’ progress, I had found Roger’s pants and even though I could roll the waist down and they would kind of not really fit me.

 I stood up, miserably, and felt a burnin’ pain on my skin. I actually felt much, much better standin’ up. I headed up the stairs only to hear the door to the guest room open.  It was quite clear, that while I was in a state of disarray this morning, Freddie was most pleasant as he left the guest room happily humming. Naturally, one would happily hum along if they weren't freezin’, hungover, and wonderin’ why the hell my body hurt so badly.

 I squinted at the daylight pourin’ in through the top of the door to the house. I stood there in the doorway for a moment. I looked down at my elbow. My eyes suddenly opened wide. Ooooooh god…stupid, stupid carpet! I said to myself. My elbow was raw, not terribly bad but it was sure raw. My knees had rubbed raw. I reached around and touched my shoulder blades. I cringed at my own touch; this was the worst spot. Damn, damn, damn carpet! My god! We had been more than mild last night. This carpet was absurd.

 I had no choice. This waist band was rubbing against my tailbone and killing me. I had to go up to the bathroom and find some relief for this. But before that, I went back downstairs to get my pill. I noticed Roger wasn’t even on the blanket. In fact, that stupid blanket we had once been so sweetly nestled in was in a twisted wad near the hot water tank. I could see Roger’s back and the faded pink streaks that could still be seen. I stood there and thought for a moment and thought about it. Oooh yes…yes I remembered when I had done that. Yes, that was hot. That was really, really hot. He was sound asleep as I popped my pill out and swallowed it down. Before going back upstairs, I picked up the blanket, my head still spinnin’ and laid it over Roger. Oh god…he was a perfect angel. I was just about to kiss the top of his head when…

 “Oh! Oh my god! Oh my god! You’re naked! Ooooh that is….thirty-seven flavors of naked right there!” Freddie said a little too loudly, covering his eyes. It immediately woke Brian and Chrissie in a sheer panic. Chrissie screeched and buried she and Brian in a refuge of blankets. I was hopin’ Freddie’s commotion wouldn’t wake Roger. I needed to drag my sore arse upstairs and see what the hell was goin’ on.

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