Friday January 20th 3:56PM, 2083

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Began Friday January 20th 3:56PM, 2083

...I think it's better if you see it.


Eyes stared at me with intense pleasure as if they knew what was going to happen next. They watched as I stepped out of the Forgetting Room, memories wiped and gaze stuck to the floor.

Then they started to clap. Grins were spread across overjoyed faces.

"Great job, you've passed," Dr. Lin said to me gleefully. He patted me on the back and chuckled. "I knew you could make it."

"Uh, make what?" I asked nervously.

"Oh, well, that's not for me to say." The man's eyebrows raised. Then, with another pat on my back, he ushered the excited staff back to work.

It was all over so quickly. I was left standing in the middle of nurses and doctors in white, flabbergasted and confused.

But just as I was about to leave, a man in a black uniform appeared from behind the door and walked toward me.

His hair was slicked to one side and his structure was bulky.

"Joshua Burke?" He asked in a monotone.


"Come with me."

The man in black led me throughout the facility, opening my eyes to places I had never seen or been. It was much bigger than I had speculated.

Finally, we stopped at a pair of tall doors. He moved in front of me and pushed them open, revealing an oversized office with an entire windowed wall facing the facility's entrance.

A neat desk took up almost half of the left side  and a lounge area took up the other.

There was man and a woman looking out of the huge window, hands clasped behind both of their backs.

The woman, with sleek, dark hair and a formal outfit, turned first. Her eyes widened in seeing me. Lifting her petite hand, she tapped the man's shoulder.

I was rooted to the ground at the sight. Both approached me as I stood rigid near the doors, which had conveniently closed. It took my eyes a moment to adjust from the bright aura of the room.

Then I saw both people more clearly.

Tiffany led the man toward me with long, graceful strides. She looked so different in this setting. More serious.

Finally reaching me, the man held out his hand. He was wearing the same clothing -- a navy suit and crisp dress pants. Tiffany, on the other hand, had a pencil skirt on.

The man smiled pleasantly, still waiting for me to shake his hand. I stared at it, waiting for an explanation first.

Nodding, he spoke up in understanding.

"My name is Kai Lon. I'm the founder of," he opened his arms and gestured widely,"all of this."

My mouth hung open, voice refusing to come.

"It's okay," Kai said, inspecting my figure up and down. "And this is my daughter, Tiffany. I believe you've met her."

"Daughter?" I couldn't help but say it out loud.

Kai nodded again. "She's been helping me since the start. Isn't that right?"

He turned expectantly to Tiffany who only gazed back at me. Tentatively, she forced a small smile.

"Yes, hello Josh. We're so happy you're here. There's much to discuss."

"Yes," started Kai with an outstretched arm to the lounge area. "Yes, there is."

A few minutes later, I was sitting in front of the two people I knew most about yet felt like I had never truly met. Glasses of freshly poured wine rested on the small table between us. I didn't bother picking up mine because I was too focused on the scene unfolding.

"Alright," Kai said, picking up his glass and taking a sip. "Where shall we begin?"

I was quick to answer.

"How about the part where you lied to me?"

Staring at Tiffany, I waited for some sign of apology in her glossed eyes. None came, however.

"We understand that the whole ordeal was quite upsetting," Kai chirped from my peripheral,"but it was necessary-"

"And I want to hear it from her," I interrupted confidently.

There was moment of silence before...

"Fine," Tiffany sighed, looking to her father, and then back to me. "I was to put you under a test -- a betrayal test, if you might.

"The things I've been telling you for the past week are all lies. There are no men with guns and my father is not a murderer."

"What about the drinks, the tests?" I asked when she paused.

"Those are real. But let's not get into that subject just yet." Her eyes were void of emotion. "You passed, Josh. You passed the test. But that's where the drinks come in.

"The last day you were in the, what did you call it? Lonely Room. The last day you spent there, you drank one final drink. It made you obedient and loyal; or in other words, it made you exactly how we wanted you.

"You've been receiving it in your shots everyday to keep you under control, under our control."

Tiffany smiled, a new sense of pride washing over her plain features.

"You and the drink passed. We can finally get on with the iRobot project."



After all of that, they told me about the iRobot project and what was to happen. Not specific details -- of course, but just enough for me to be aware.

God, how could I have been so naive?

Under my nose the entire time, she was lying to me. I can see how it was necessary, but..come on...

...I'm going to sleep. Maybe I can find some sort of escape from all of this. Good night.

Ended Friday January 20th 4:01PM, 2083


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