Chapter 4

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pic on the side is of the twins :D


Chapter 4

Lucia's POV

I smiled slightly as my bubble relaxed around me, letting the notes that the band played seep into me. I sipped at my cappuccino as my body swayed slightly to the soothing melody of the acoustic instruments and the soft and almost rustic voice of the lead singer.

I was in the one place that I could go out socially and be the most of myself at. And this place was a climate for all souls lost to the sacred art of music.

The place I needed to be to make my decision.

After I had left the studio with a vague goodbye to my instructor, I had decided to walk around the city in the rain, so out of it that even the cold tears that the sky pelted did nothing to shake me out of my reverie.

Cold water does not affectively take any one out of shock, but beeping from cars as they swerved to avoid you certainly does.

Especially when it had added to the guilt that was circulating my dark encrypted being at the thought that my family would have thought of this accidental death as a deliberate one and therefore prove every unintentionally harsh words they spouted in their paranoia, right.

But wasn’t what I was contemplating just as bad?

I honestly did not know and I had no-one to turn to for help either.

My family didn’t know anything about this, and I knew once they found out they wouldn’t be able to stand the blow of the betrayal, and their denial and ignorance would make them sink deeper into themselves until not even their shells would be warm.

Linda would just tell me to tell my Dad and my siblings everything and compete, because she knew how much I loved this profession and how much I dedicated my heart and soul into every careful move that I made.

But most importantly she would say to follow whatever my heart thought was right.

My heart had already sold itself to dancing a long time ago, and that was the reason why I hadn’t been able to give it up. The heart wants what it wants, and nothing can tell it different.

But that vital organ within me wasn’t the problem. It was the other vital things inside me that were rattling against me – my conscience and my brain being the main factor.

On the other hand though, my gut and soul sang with my heart in agreement, so who do I listen to?

And that’s how my feet had then carried me to the Blaze Café whilst I sorted through my heavy thoughts, my subconscious knowing that there were people – rational thinkers at least in the sense that they were almost third party to all of this mess – on my side and willing to help me through my turmoil.

I nodded at John, the owner of the café, over my cup, and he in turned gave me a quick cheeky grin that suited his personality perfectly before being distracted by one of his customers.

I turned my attention back to the group sitting on carefully positioned stools on the stage, three male guitarists and one female singer overflowing the packed space with sweet acoustics.

All four members of the band not only played music that I helped write, but they were also the only people that knew every dark reticent place within me.

Melissa (lead singer), Nathan (guitarist), Lucas (bass player) and Zane (drummer); the four best of friends anyone could wish for in the world.

Out of the four of them, I had known Melissa and Nathan the longest. The blue eyed, auburn haired twins were as fiery as their red hair stereotyped, and we had become friends as soon as we had clapped eyes with each other over the runt of other four year old socially-elite kids that had been grouped together by force.

Our passion for music had become the permanent glue to our relationship once finger-painting and teasing other kids our age was long gone, and even though I developed a desire for dance and they had instead went on to actually want to make music of their own we still held the same unbreakable bond.

Lucas and Zane eventually completed our little group once we were at High School after they formed an indestructible relationship with their partners (Lucas and Nathan and Zane and Melissa) and their similar passion and their partners love for me made them equally warm to me.

And though some of the time I had felt like a fifth wheel, they never made me feel left out.

But after my mother’s suicide, I guess things sort of began to change.

With my mother gone, a part of me also left, leaving me alone with only the worst part of me intact – my vulnerability that had never been present within me before.

My family was broken, I was broken, my family forbade me to do the one thing I loved and kept me sane, and therefore I knew I would not be able to handle it if they rejected me as well.

So instead, I distanced myself and closed off within myself, not talking, not eating, and not even going out the house. I was alone, and suffering from malnutrition and vitamin D deprivation.

And if Annabelle hadn’t called Melissa, I wouldn’t know what would have happened to me.

The music finally came to an end but the notes they played still seemed to wrap around the heavy climate of the Blaze Cafe as the customers thundered their applause.

Shaking myself out of my murky black memories, I stood up from the bar where I had been lucky enough to obtain a seat placing a few bills on the counter before manoeuvring myself around the many various people that surrounded me until I got to the back stage area.

The staff member guarding the door recognised me and nodded his head in greeting whilst letting me in, and before the door even shut behind me I was immediately swarmed by the group, my theoretic bubble retracting closer to me to let them in after recognising the familiarity of their shapes.

“Gosh it’s been ages since we’ve seen you chick!” Nathan smiled down at me as he squeezed my hand that he had grabbed as hugging me wasn’t an option at the moment as Melissa had me in an enormous bear hug that she seemed to refuse to let me out of.

“And don’t you say that ‘you only just saw me a few days ago’ crap, because you know that does not apply here!” Lucas almost screeched as he squeezed my other hand.

“Oh leave her alone you two, she’s here now and that’s all that bloody matters!” Zane chuckled from behind me with his arms around me and his girlfriend.

“Hey guys,” I muttered breathlessly as I put my head on Melissa’s shoulder to sort of return the hug as much as I could without having to free my hands from Nathan and Lucas’s death grip, whilst leaning into Zane.

Melissa finally let go of me but only to hold my face in her palms gently before staring inquisitively into my eyes. “Something’s changed in you, and I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. But, by the way your shoulders are slightly tense; it also looks like you’re in trouble again.”

“Your family didn’t find out about your second life did they?!” Nathan asked in concern as Zane towed me to the couch.

I offered my friends a small smile (all that I was able to muster and even that was a small feat) to try put them at ease. “No they didn’t. But that’s part of the problem…”

And I went to explain what had happened earlier on today.

When I had been faced with my family’s abstinence against my passion, they were the ones who had come up with the University farce.

I hoped they would be able to pull off another miracle.


A little shorter than I would have liked, but I spent so long on it already I just thought, why not just post what I've got? And don't worry, hopefully if my creative juices allow me to stay on track then you should be seeing more of the band in another future chapter.

Votes, comments and fans are all greatly appreciated.

Love xxxx :D

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