Chapter 7

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Pic on the side is of the Twins. Song is 'You Lost Me' by Christina Aguilara :P


Chapter 7

Lucia's POV

“I can’t do this,” I muttered under my breath and stepped away from the door leading to my father’s office, two sets of hands suddenly stopping me in place so I didn’t run.

Christian had phoned me the day previously to personally tell me that Laila (aka me) had the final spot and that if she/I needed any other further information then she/I should contact Thomas Bentley.

This had only confused me. What had been the point of him phoning me himself when Thomas (who had been filled in by Linda about my cause of anonymity) could have given me all the details I would have needed then and there? It completely escaped me.

Especially since Christian made no mention of him wanting to continue our ‘relationship’ to further steps as was his custom, or go into saying sweet nothings to me in either French or plain English.

But rather than look into that very suspicious behaviour (because I knew Christian Delmont didn’t get to where he was by quitting at something he wanted) I instead busied myself by getting everything organised with the band and Linda about travel plans, alibi’s and living arrangements, as well as making sure all my costumes were well underway before the competition started and that we had a place for me to practise all my recently thought out routines in the places that we would be touring to.

And now the moment of truth had come – explaining my absence to my father with the sheath of deception that was all I knew anymore.

Honestly, it was better said than done, because I don’t think I had the bottle to carry this one out.

Sure, I may have lied to him about my degree, but at least I had signed up for the classes and was still doing the work for it (sent over by the twins). So the risk of being uncloaked wasn’t as bad as being on national media dancing under a mask with the pretence of going around the world singing songs.

“Yes, you can, Lucy. You’ve been lying for nearly three years now, I think you’ve mastered the art to perfection,” Nathan whispered, instantly receiving a slap around the head from his sister for the wording of his ‘encouragement’.

“What this idiot is trying to say is we have this whole thing down pat, okay? You are holding a folder with the assignment written in black and white, information of the hotels where we’ll be staying, the information on the gigs, and even the bloody airplane tickets! You have nothing to worry about.” Melissa said encouragingly as she put an arm around my shoulder.

“Yeah, we’ll be with you in there too if you need back up, but I doubt you will, you’ve got this.” Nathan said and he clutched my small cold hand in his larger warm one.

I took a deep breath, my bubble tightening around me in reassurance and comfort and I found a semblance of strength from deep within me.

Nodding at the two of them so they’d know I was okay, I tucked the folder under my arm and knocked gently on the door.

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