Chapter 6

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Pic on the side is of Anna. The song is 'Slipped Away' by Avril Lavigne. :D


Chapter 6

Lucia's POV

“Well I can’t say you’re not creative,” Linda said putting on her large designer sunglasses to not only shield her eyes from the sun, but probably to refrain from showing amusement to me when she was trying to scold me.

My dance instructor had, as predicted, exploded in a torrent of Italian when I told her over the phone about what I had arranged with Christian, and from what I could gather from the fast-paced foreign words she spouted, I knew she wasn’t at all pleased that I was once again hiding behind my new found talent of deception.

So to ease both of our suffering I had asked to come over and that was why we were currently sitting on the sun loungers placed on the balcony attached to her large apartment, deciding to hash everything out in a more private setting than what the dance studio would offer.

And her remedy of specially made hot chocolate and home-made brownies made it that much easier to delve into everything the band and I had concocted.

“I can’t take all the credit for it, except the stage name and the idea of the look that I’d created once I had gotten off the phone with that dreaded man,” I said as I took out my A3 sketch pad from my bag and handed it to her.

She flicked it open and looked through the costume designs, nodding her head in approval as she looked at all the detailed sketches, but what she said next had nothing to do with it.

“You say that term like you hate the idea of him,” She said and looked up from my drawings, a smile tugging on her pouty lips.

I frowned at what she was getting at, but once again, like I’d done the day before with Christian, I side-stepped over the bait, looking in the direction of the sun as I talked.

“I was thinking just for the video preview I dress in simple black leggings and tank top, but with my black and blue mask on already with maybe blue lighting over head? We haven’t got time for us to get the costumes done for later on today since that is when we’ll have to shoot the performances because Christian said he had to have it in for tomorrow at the latest for me to be considered-”

Linda waved her hand in dismissal before placing my sketch pad on the little coffee table in front of us. “Si, si. That can all be arranged, I already have Bobby, our tech guy, on hand for us in three hours. But what I want to know is what’s going on between you and the billionaire in charge of all of this?”

I sighed and took a sip of the hot chocolate, letting the familiar sugary liquid warm my cold-feeling body, not at all wanting to get into it.

I had already tried wrapping my head around my near loss of emotional control just by a few words that infuriatingly attractive man had spoken, to no avail. No matter how much I tried to reason with myself as to why what nearly happened had occurred, I couldn’t get the answer I wanted, and I knew that every warning Linda had tried to drill into me about my lying to everyone eventually turning into me lying to myself had occurred.

And to put a stop to it, I finally admitted it to myself.

I liked him. There was no other way to put it, than to simply say these three words.

Yes he was handsome, and had a lot of influence and money under his belt, but that wasn’t what made me like him. I wasn’t Beth, that wasn’t my ideal man…if I even had one anymore.

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