Chapter 2

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Olivia's POV

It's been 3 weeks since we moved to Ireland, and my God its sucked.

School sucks here! No one likes me! Since I have no friends yet, I have no one at all to hang out with, i thought by now i would have some friends but no one comes anywhere near me! Except for the ones that trip me and call me names in the hallway between classes. They think my accent is weird and that I have a fugly face and they call me an american slut and whore!! And there is this one guy, he's the one that started it all, his name is Darren Bennit. He's the leader of the bullies, the starter of the rumors, the one who has made my life a living shit! And the worst thing is that my "friends" in California have completely forgot about me.

I was on instagram and saw my friends posts, and they had a new cheerleader captain and head student and its like I was never there! They're all laughing and hanging out and im stuck here in shit Ireland!!

The school bell went and as I was about to go to my locker i was tripped, again. They all laughed at me and then I saw Darren. I decided to stand up for myself, make a stand. I stood up and went over to him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? What did I ever do to you! Just because I'm new doesnt mean I'm a fucking punching bag that you can make a laugh out of in front of everyone! You know you sure-"

Before I could finish my sentence I felt a massive blow to the side of my face. I was on the floor blood running from my mouth. All I could here was laughter. Taunting laughter. I chose to just stay on the floor. I was too humiliated to get up. What was that? I heard a noise interrupt the laughter, a voice, a voice of a teacher? No, it was a boys voice. Was he gonna beat me up even more? Was he gonna hit me and kick me? Havent I got enough? Soon my ears focused on what he was saying. He wasnt going to beat me up, he was actually defending me,

"What the hell dude? You can't just do that to people! Especially pretty girls!" Wait, did he just call me pretty?

"OOOO, Someone has a crush, someone has a crush!" Darren chanted, then everyone else joined in. 

I tried to cover my ears from the ring of chanting but a hand gripped my wrist and pulled me up and away from the crowd. I didnt open my eyes until all I could hear was the sound of breathing.

"Are you ok?"

I heard a cute little Irish accent. I opened my eyes to a blonde haired (obviously not natural), blue eyed boy, with the cutest face ive ever seen.

"Are you ok?" He repeated in his cute irish accent.

Normally i thought their accent was annoying but he made it so cute! I broke out of the eye contact, remebering how i didnt wnat any relationships here,

"Yeah um, im fine. You didnt have to interfear you know? I could of handled that myself."

I saw his face fill with half amusment and half dissapointment,

"Ya it sure looked like you ahad it under controll, if you call getting beaten under controll, that is"

I stared at his cute blue eyes and then, once again, realisided i didnt want to like him, i couldnt like him. I started to walk away from him but he stopped me.

"Hey, arent you going to tell me your name?" He batted his long eylashes and flashed a little smile. "

Olivia, Olivia Blott," I said,

"Hi, Olivia Blott, I'm Niall Horan"

Yay they've finally met! How do you like it so far? Anyway keep reading I'll be updating soon!

Thanks guys!!

~Chicken Nugget

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