3 - A Glimpse of History - Percy

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This time I didn't find myself in the usual clearing. This was a battlefield. But there was also something new, there was seventh guy with the usual six. They were all wearing unique armor, something I had never seen in my life. And they were all in formation. The leader, Al, was hovering a couple of feet above the ground. And he had wings. Not just those usual and boring wings or some kind of pixie wings, no, these were huge, majestic wings made out of bright light. In his right hand, he was holding a broadsword which also seemed to made out of light and his left hand was extended above the battlefield, light swirling around his hand, ready to be unleashed on the enemies. And his eyes, they weren't forest green anymore. They were glowing pure white.

Right next to him, on his right, stood the girl with brown hair holding dual wielded swords and next to her stood two other guys, both holding staffs. On Al's left stood a man I had never seen before. He also had a sword but his whole figure was concealed underneath a deep blue cloak. Next to him stood the girl with auburn hair. A bow was slung over her shoulder. She twirled two daggers in her hands, seemingly anxious to the awaiting battle. Next to her stood the final guy, the one who always spoke the first in my dream. He had a black cloak again but this time he had a black sword too. He had sounded like a relaxed and cool guy when I heard him speak but this time I couldn't help but feel a little afraid. There was something off about him I couldn't explain.

I turned around to look the opposing army behind me and I wasn't pleased. This army was way bigger than any I've ever seen before. And it wasn't only made out of monsters, there were numerous humans with them too. And the humans had four arms, four legs and two heads. Seeing this sparked something in the back of my head but I silenced it for now, as I had more demanding tasks at hand. That's when I realized, it was only seven guys, who of course were really powerful and experienced warriors judging by their weapons and the way they carried themselves, against an army of tens of thousands of opponents didn't seem extremely fair. I turned once more and faced the seven.

Al eyed the battlefield, a grim expression in his face. A single tear fell down his cheek as he brought his left hand up in one swift move. Suddenly, the whole battlefield became dark and the magnificent aurora borealis began dancing in the sky. It took me a while to realize that there couldn't be aurora borealis here, we were nowhere near either one of the Earth's poles. Hanging out with Annabeth had its perks. The landscape and buildings afar hinted we could've been in Greece.

Slowly the enemies started to realize that too, the northern lights just were completely out of place. Al closed his eyes, whispered something and brought his hand down again, this time bringing the lights with him. Warp drive from Star Trek. That's the only way to describe how it looked like when the aurora came down from the sky and hit the battlefield, immediately incinerating thousands of monsters and humans. Al descended from his place and his wings disappeared as his fellow warriors moved forward, beginning their fight.

The warriors were truly a work of art to watch. Their stances were flawless and their strikes efficient and accurate. Only Al wasn't taking part in this fight, he watched from the distance when the others fought. He cocked his head slightly like he was listening to something. Then his expression morphed and all the sadness and kindness was lost. His face was emotionless as he dissolved partially into light and flew throughout the battlefield, just in time to block a strike aimed at one of the girls. From that point on he took part in the fighting too.

The first one of the seven to fall was one of the two guys with a staff. The enemies seemed to have grouped up and thought of a plan to bring down them one by one. As a dozen of arrows pierced him, he fell on to his knees. With his last breath, he brought up the earth around him, crushing his enemies. The other guy with a staff heard the ground grumble and turned around. As he saw what happened, he went on a killing-frenzy. Nothing in his path had any chance of survival. Until he too was pierced by a dozen of arrows. He didn't have any tricks up his sleeve, he just fell. Silently, accepting his death.

Last one to fall was the girl with auburn hair. I felt a surge of sadness wash over me as I saw the blue cloaked man run towards her. The girl extended her arms to her sides and screamed. Bright orange flames erupted from her body and burned every single enemy within the range of at least one hundred feet. I saw a figure running through the flames and wanted to shout a warning to her but fortunately the figure was only the blue cloaked man. The man fell on his knees next to her dying body.

It looked like he tried to tell her something, while she still had time, but to no avail. She whispered something and died in his arms. The man started to shake with uncontrollable anger before a shockwave emitted from him. I didn't have enough time to see what it was or what it did before the shockwave already hit me, and everything turned black.

Waking up to such a dream wasn't exactly something pleasant. Seeing three of those warriors fall wasn't something I had expected, much less wanted to see. I decided to get up already since there was no way I could've fallen back asleep after seeing that. When I walked into the kitchen I was surprised at what I saw. I had never seen my mom up this early, unless there was a good reason for that. "What're you doing here, mom?" I asked her. She turned around on the chair she was sitting on and answered me in response, "Couldn't sleep. I had a nightmare."

"What could be so frightening it would keep youup?" I asked her. She looked serious for a moment before answering me, tearsglistening in her eyes, "A lot of things."

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