Chapter 4 •Grayson Bailey Dolan!•

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Grayon's P.O.V

I'm on my way to pick up Em from the airport. Can't wait to see her, i've missed her so much. When I got there, she was waiting by the doors. she spotted me and smiled, walking towards me. I got out of the car to help her with her stuff. She thanked me with a sweet kiss, which I gladly returned. We got into the car and drove off. On the way home I asked her about helping me prank Katherine.

"Will you help me?"  I ask taking a quick glance at her. She looks unsure for a bitand hesitates to answer. "Please babe." I beg. she sighs and gives in. YES!!

"Fine. What are you planning?" she asks actually interested. I smirk at my own idea before I tell her.

"I was thinking that since we need a few more groceries, you and Katherine could go to the store and grab some. Then when E isn't looking, i'll grab his phone and change my contact name to something else." I explain. She looks worried about my plan.

"Gray.. I don't think that's a good idea." She says warrily. I glance at her again, giving her a strange look before looking back.

"Why not?" I ask confused.

"I don't know.. It's just.." She trails off.

"Babe it's fine. Just a prank remember." I smile at her. I park the car and help with her luggage. during elevator ride, we talked about the prank, which she agreed to do. Once the elevator stopped, we gave eachother looks before going to open the door.

"Katherine! Come with me to get groceries." She says looking at me. I thank her with a kiss before grabbing her stuff and walking towards my room, passing Kat along the way.

"Hey. I didn't know you just got back, I've missed you." I hear her say. I smrik as i set her stuff down. I walk back out of the room to see Ethan getting ready for a shower. Perfect.

"Eth! I'm going with Em to get food! I'll be back in a while!" she calls out. Ethan goes running to her to give her a little goodbye kiss. she smiles before leaving with Emily. 

"Aw. I didnt get a kiss." I pout. He chuckles at me before patting my shoulder.

"Alright, peace bro, I'm going for a shower." he says. I nod and go over to the couch, where I see his phone. i smirk before grabbing it. I stop to make sure he's in the shower. I hear the shower turn on and continue what I'm doing. Luckily I know his password from seeing so many times. 

"Ok. Now we wait." I say to no one in particular.


Katherine's P.O.V

"Honey we're home!" Emily & I say in sync. We've been shopping for food.. and a little bit of clothes, but they don't need to know that.

When we received no answer, we assumed they fell asleep. We both shrug at each other and start to walk into the hall way. Note that the bags are very heavy, but knowing Emily & I, we wouldn't put the bags on the table. No, we had to carry them with us. Sometimes I wonder how I'm passing online school.

I snap out of my train of thought when a hand comes in contact with my face. I stumble back against the wall a bit dazed on what happened. "Ow.." I groan as I straighten myself up.

"Kat, did you hear anything I was saying?" Em asks as I come to. Did she just slap me?

"No." I answer. "But did you really have to slap me?" I question her, which she only shrugs.

"You weren't paying attention." She points out.

"You could've waved those hands you have there."

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