Chapter 15 •What!•

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My stomach rumbles and it wakes me. Guess I'm hungry. I groan as I roll out of my bed. I stand up after some time, making my way over to the kitchen. When I enter the kitchen, I notice someone on the couch. I peek over this person to get a better look. "Katherine?"

She snorts awake before looking around. "Hm?" She hums. I chuckle at her before I sit down. "What are you doing out here?" I ask. She yawns before answering. "Ethan wanted to come sleep in the bed with me. I let him and Emily sleep there instead. Couldn't be in the same room anymore." She mumbles tiredly.

"Come on, let's get you to bed." I pick her up and carry her bridal style. I don't bother bringing her to her and ethans' room, instead I bring her to mine. Not wanting awake her again, I gently lay her down and make sure she's comfortable. She grabs one of my pillows and puts it between her legs. Uh...

"I'm not that hungry now." I mumble, getting under the covers too. I pull her close to me, rubbing circles on her belly. If ethan won't treat her right then I will. While rubbing her belly she grabs my hand, making me freeze.

She guides my hand to her leg. I try to pull away but her grip is hard to shake. What is she doing? She squirms around and I grow confused. I give up and continue to rub her leg. Maybe she'll let go. All of a sudden, my hand is moved to her boob. My eyes widen.

This time I really try to pull away when I hear something that stops me. Katherine squeezed my hand as she let out a moan. "" I peek at her to see her still asleep. Is she..? After many attempts, I'm able to free my hand.

I lay flat on my back, not knowing what to do. Should I wake her? or should I just lay here? I go with the second option.

A while later, Katherine rolls over. She wraps an arm around my neck, snuggling into me. This makes me smile. I don't know why. After smiling like an idiot, I start to fall asleep.

What startles me is Katherine straddling me. She's still asleep. She cups my face and kisses all over my face. I sit up too... what? No. This s wrong, but it feels right. No! She's pregnant with ethan's child.

I shake her gently to somewhat wake her. It works as her eyes flutter open and meet mine. She's confused for a second before her eyes widen. "Did I.. Um, what did I do?" She asks. I like how she knows she did it, haha.

"Well, you fell asleep on the couch so I brought you in here. Then I got in bed with you to cuddle. I started rubbing your belly.. then you grabbed my hand-" I explain, half way through she interupts me.

"Oh no.." She groans. "I didn't moan in my sleep did I?" She asks. When I don't say a word, she seemed to know the answer. "I'm so sorry." She says, but makes no effort to move.

"You uh, put my hand here." I say lowly, replacing my hands on her hips. I glance up to see her bite her lip. "You cupped my face and kissed me all over." I add, cupping her face with my free hand. "You kissed my whole face except one spot." I mumble. My eyes flicker to her lips as her eyes follow. She leans closer so our lips brush together.

"All I can think about is your hand on my body and what I want it to do." She says. "But I'm scared." She adds.

"Don't be." I say before connecting our lips.


I open my eyes and notice I'm in my room. Huh? I get up and feel.. lighter? I walk into the living room and see everyone there. What is going on? Grayson and Emily are cuddled up on the couch and Ethan is sitting on the floor. All eyes fall on me. Ethan stands up and runs towards me, picking me up and spinning me around. "Watch for the baby." I mumble. Afraid he might squish my belly. He sets me down with a look of confusion. "Baby?" He asks.

"Yes the baby.." I mutter, glancing down at my stomach. I want to cry when I don't see my baby belly. No. This isn't happening. "Are you ok kat?" Emily asks making me look up.

"Yeah, um.. it was a dream I had." I shake my head. "Guess I thought it was real." I mutter sadly. Why did this happen again?

"Maybe watching 'look who's talking' messed with your mind. You know the saying that whatever you see or do before bed is the thing you dream about, or something." Emily says. I nod, feeling a wave of sadness wash over me. It felt real, I wanted it to be real.

"I'm still tired, I think I'm gonna go back to bed." I say.

"At least take an ice pack for your eye." Ethan says a bit sad. "The blow of the hit knocked you out. I didnt mean for it to that hard." It's my turn to grow confused before I look in the mirror. The prank! I have a black eye because Ethan & I had a revenge prank on Gray. Now it makes sense.

"I will." I smile sadly. "Come sleep with me?" I ask Ethan, glancing towards Gray. I definitely remember the kiss. I don't think I can forget... but I have to, it wasn't real. But I want it to be. Shaking my head, I dismiss the thought and get an ice pack.

Ethan & I go to our room and start talking instead od sleeping. "Tell me what's on your mind." He mumbles, running a hand through my hair.

I look up and place my head on his chest, laying on my stomach. "You sure want to know?" I ask. He nods. I breathe out before telling a long story. Let's hope he doesn't freak out about it. It wasn't real..


OHHHHH That's a twist ain't it? Tell me your thoughts on this chapter. How many of you are mad/sad/happy/all of the above.

Until next time. Byeeeeeeeeeee. Don't forget to vote.

P.s ignore the spelling errors.

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