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Cheryl's point of view

As much as I loved Paris, I couldn't wait to get back to my home and my little Bobby. I was struggling being so heavily pregnant and uncomfortable; I wanted my home comforts and I just wanted to be relaxed in my own home in my pyjamas.
"Are you ready?"
Kimberley nodded. "Yeah, are you?"
"Not really. I want to get home but I don't want to deal with the paps."
"You look beautiful," Kimberley smiled as she helped me stand up.
"Where are Gaz and Lils?"
"They've already gone, they wanted to get back a little earlier."
I couldn't help but feel slightly upset that my Brother and Best Friend had just decided to leave without me. I knew they had lives and other things to do, but they could at least have waited a couple of hours to travel with myself and Kimberley. I sighed loudly as my thoughts ran away with me and Kimberley placed a hand on my cheek. I leant into her touch and a strong tightening sensation overtook my bump. I grabbed Kimberley's jumper in my fist as the pain got stronger.
"Babe?" Kimberley stroked my cheek but her voice remained calm. "Babe, what's wrong?"
"Me," I groaned in discomfort. "Me bump's tightened up. Oh fuck," I moaned as the pain started to subside.
Kimberley helped me sit on the bed and continued to stroke my face. "Do you think it was Braxton Hicks?"
"Aye, they said they would get stronger as I got closer to me due date. I don't think it was labour, it's too early for that."
"Do you want to go to the hospital in case?"
I shook my head. "I just want to get home."
"Are you sure?"
"Aye, it's the worst one I have had though."
Kimberley softly kissed my lips. "If it happens again you need to tell me. I'll keep an eye on you and if it happens again at that severity I am taking you to the hospital."


"Thanks Mark," I smiled as he helped me out of the car.
"You're welcome, I can't have you falling out of cars now, can I?" he chuckled.
I laughed as I shook my head. "No, especially not now." Kimberley smiled as she opened the boot.
"Leave the bags Kimberley, I'll get them."
Kimberley smiled her incredible smile. "Thank you Mark."

Kimberley's point of view

I took Cheryl's hand and led her to the front door. "Glad to be home?"
"Aye, of course. I can't wait to get in and put me pj's on."
I gulped hoping she wouldn't be angry with me for organising the Baby Shower in our back garden. I knew everyone was already here and keeping quiet in the garden and the plan was to take Cheryl up to the baby's bedroom and show her what everyone had been up to whilst we had been out of the country and then to take her into the garden and surprise her again. I just prayed to God that when she knew we have visitors she wouldn't be mad with me.

I unlocked the door and it was silent. "It's weird don't you think?"
"What is?" I asked trying to act as normal as possible; praying to every God I could think of that nobody was still in the house.
"That the house is so silent. Usually when I come home you're here or we have your Mum and Bobby here, or the dogs come sprinting to us."
I kissed her head and then placed a hand over her eyes.
"Kimba? What're you doing you loon? I can't fucking see!" she started to chuckle.
"Good. That's the point."
"What're you doing you bloody idiot? I might fall."
"You trust me, don't you?"
"With all me heart and soul."
"Then trust me on this." I stood with my hands over her eyes and manoeuvred myself behind her. "We are going upstairs so you can hold the railing to help you."
"Are you taking us up to bed?" She asked me huskily; now I really hoped nobody was in the house.
"Not quite Babe, but later I might," I smiled and kissed the back of her head as I headed to the stairs with her. We reached the bottom of the stairs and I smiled. "Babe, we're at the stairs so you need to hold the railing and step up.

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