Chapter Six

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"How do you know what that is nobody is supposed to know except those involved" Justin said looking at me suspiciously

"Bad move" Chrissy whispered to me

"Get ready to run" she whispered

"3..2..1"she said

And we got up and ran out of the cafeteria.

We ran straight for her car as we reached it arms wrapped around our waists.

I was pulled back into a firm chest.

"Not so fast Princess" Jason said
So he can speak I thought. Princess that's new.

We were lifted up and thrown over the boys shoulder.

We passed Tanya on our way "Tanya help me" I shouted to her.

" I can't once they have you they don't let you go until they're finished" she said

What does that mean have they done this before?

Just then I saw Chris. I was counting on Chris to get me out of this.

"Chris help me " I said grabbing onto his shirt as he was passing

"Gabriella let go once your in the hands of them no one can help you" he said then pried my hands off his shirt.

"What kind of brother are you" I shouted.

Just then I got an idea I hope this works the bell will ring soon.

"Chrissy get ready" I whispered

She looked confused but nodded her head.

I took my chilli powder out of my top pocket,my dad had given it to me I don't know why but I am glad.

You don't feel when it touches you put it itches worse then poison ivy.

I sprinkled some on Jason's head then passed it to Chrissy and she put some on Justin's head.

Then it began the itching Jason scratched his head that causes the powder to spread all over his skin same with Justin.

They had to put us down to scratch themselves.

I grabbed Chrissy's hand and ran when we were a good distance I stopped took out my phone zoomed in and took a pic of the two scratching like there's no tomorrow.

Just then the bell for the end of lunch rang.

We went to our home rooms for homeroom time and then went to class.

We took our seats in front of the back row then the class came in.

Tanya asked "how did you escape them nobody has ever escaped them."

"That's for me to know and you to find out" I said

After about 20 minutes of class time Jason and Justin walked in.

I wonder how they cleaned up so fast.

They took the seats in the back row behind us.

I was getting really worried, they just came and sat down and pretended like nothing had ever happened.

"Bad move princess" Jason whispered in my ear.

"Your going to have to pay" Justin said to Chrissy.


We had successfully escaped them and we were on our way home.

We were laughing at how they were scratching themselves like dogs.

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