Chapter Three

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I thought and thought until I fell asleep nope it was NOT a peaceful sleep I haven't had peaceful sleep since the day the woman I thought was my mother beat me. I woke up the next day and took a bath, blow dried my hair and did a cute hair style I was feeling really good I had a really good night with my thoughts and came to a decision.

I know my father well my entire family that I had left hurt me but what can I say if I feel you deserve it then I give you my forgiveness.

Plus what am I suppose to do ignore the only family I have left.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Maria cooking breakfast.

"You are an early bird what else will I learn about you mom."

"Good morning Gabriella" she said

"Need any help there? " I asked

"Yeah sure you..."she started

"What did you just say?"she asked

"Need any help there " I repeated

"No before that" she said

"You are an early bird what else will I learn about you mom" I repeated unsurely

"OMG YOU CALLED ME MOM, I mean it's only been 28 hours and you already called me mom I hoped you would soon but I didn't expect you to so soon I mean after what happened yesterday I wonder if you would hate me......"she rambled

"Mom calm down" I said slowly as if speaking to a child on a sugar rush.

"I am sorry I am just so excited I mean I knew you would probably hate me when you found out but... " she started but shut up after I glared at her

"What's all the commotion about your screaming destroyed my well needed beauty sleep." Chris said

"Oh beauty sleep huh is your beauty sleep because you need beauty or because you sleep away the pain of not having any beauty" I said

Mom laughed while he just gave me a blank look.

"Glad to see you two getting along" Chris said

Just then Dad and Christina walked in.

"Morning" Dad said sleepily

"Good morning" I said cheerfully

"Am I seeing doubles or are you bipolar" Christina said

I frowned. Way to make a good first impression sister.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way it's just that yesterday you seemed so angry and now you seem.."she quickly corrected while searching for the right word.

"I did some thinking correction I did a lot of thinking and I forgive them I know it's soon but I ...."I was cut off from finishing my sentence when I was given a bone crushing hug from my dad

"I am so sorry honey and thanks for forgiving me" dad said

"Your welcome hey I have an idea how about we have a family picnic and we can have some bonding time" I suggested

"Ok" they all agreed


Sorry for the short update guys now that all the family stuff is out the way I can move on to the more interesting part of my story so please keep reading after the next chapter we can get into the real story

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