My head is pounding to the beat of my heart. I open my eyes to find that it is pitch black. Geez, my head hurts. I'm really confused because I always have my nightlight plugged in and I just changed the light to it not even a week ago, so it couldn't have burned out already. I reach towards my nightstand to turn on the lamp, but I reach out and there is nothing there. I reach out towards the other side and find that my book shelf isn't there. My heart starts pounding as I desperately pray for my eyes to adjust to the darkness quickly. Then, I realize my bed feels three times smaller and very uncomfortable as if someone removed the memory foam from my mattress and replaced it with planks of wood. How did I not notice this before hand?
When the lights turn on, I am able to confirm that I am not in my bedroom. The walls are made of concrete. I am laying on a small twin sized bed with faded, baby blue sheets that are so worn out, a hole could form if you weren't careful.
I continue to observe my surroundings until a door swings open. The door must only have a handle on the outside of the room, and why I didn't see it.
"Hello, Veronica Williams," the tall, white male said. "My name is Charles Smith. I'm not here to hurt you, I just need some answers. Your father, Mason Williams, is missing at the moment. Do you know where he went?"
"I never really knew my father. He died in a fire at his company when I was three or four. Why?"
"Well, that's strange. I did work with him last week and he failed to follow through. Do you know what your father does?" he said. With every word that comes out of his mouth, I get more and more confused. I could have sworn he died in that fire. We went to his funeral.
"No, I don't know what he does. Why does it even matter? I have nothing to do with him. What is my role in this? I don't get it. Are you accusing me of knowing his whereabouts? I mean, I'm pretty sure I just told you that I thought he died in a fire."
"You seem to ask a lot of questions. They will all be answered in a very short while. We must find a safe place for you now. We believe your mother might be apart of his disappearance. When was the last time you saw your mother?"
"Ha! and you say I have a lot of questions, but anyway, sometime last week I think. She said she was going on a business trip and said she wouldn't be home for a couple weeks." I was getting worried. If mom knew dad was alive, then why didn't she tell me?
"We have a safe house for you, but first we need to create a new look for you, so that even you can't recognize yourself when you look in the mirror. It is important that you don't let anyone know your situation, no matter how close of friends you become. You are going to be undercover. I know you're probably wondering what you are supposed to be doing, but we will go over that after we get you settled into your new home. The plane will arrive in twenty minutes. Here is a new outfit and the shower is down the hall on the right. Don't bother trying to escape because you won't be able to. Plus, I'm sure you don't want to put yourself into more danger."
He hands me a pile of clothes and leaves. I look at the outfit. Cute pink top and a black skater skirt with a pair of black vans. They must really know me. This is exactly something I would wear.
At that moment a lady with long, straight, black hair walks in. I assume she is Latino. "Hi, my name is Rebecca Moore. I am your makeup artist and outfit designer. I will get you dressed and ready everyday until it is safe and you are able to go home. So get your little booty to the bathroom and wash up. Then, we will hop on the plane and go to Oregon," she said. Her accent gave it away. She is definitely Latino.
"Where are we now?" I asked since I wasn't able to see outside.
"Arizona. Now hurry up and shower before the plane gets here," she said and with that she waltzed down the hall way.

Criminal Activity
Teen FictionVeronica thought she knew who her parents were, but it turns out everything was a lie. She goes undercover to help the FBI uncover the truth. She falls in love with Logan. Will their relationship get in the way of the mission?