Don't mess with us

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Te elevator opened and we walked out, we got our badges, Kenta and I were 406 and 407. I looked around and smiled.

"We're actually here, Kenta."

"This will be fun, won't it, Ren?"

"Damn straight." I said and we laughed.

I looked at Gon and smiled.

"We're going to scout around, you never know what type of people you're up against unless you look, right?"

"Yeah, you're right." Gon said and Kurapika nodded.

"We'll see you in a short while." I said and Kenta and I wandered around the room.

I looked around and spotted Tonpa walking toward us, he had been coming from Gon and the others. I blinked and sighed.

"Hello, you seem edgy, how about a drink?" He asked and handed a juice to us.

Kenta and I looked at each other. We came up with the same idea at the same time, we nodded to each other and looked at Tonpa. Faster than he could comprehend we smashed the cans against his head. As he collapsed to the ground, I made it worse, I poured the juice all over him and smirked, crushing the can the rest of the way and dropping it on him. Kenta just threw it at him.

"Don't mess with us, rookie crusher, we aren't like the others you have crushed. We fight back."

We walked away and Kenta looked at me and I smirked at him, he frowned.

"What? He was asking for it!" I said and he shook his head.

"You didn't have to go that far."

"At least I didn't make him drink it." I said and Kenta flinched.

We reached Gon and the others. I smiled sweetly and Gon grinned.

"Ohayo, Gon. I said we'd be back, there are some dangerous people here. You should be careful."

"Arigato, Ren." Gon said and I laughed slightly.

"It benefits us as well, it wouldn't be fun if you three weren't here."


"Yeah, fun, I think this exam will be more fun if you three are here. Why not try to enjoy the company you arrive with? Better than staying around people with a deep blood lust and somewhat perverted character." I said and they stared at me in confusion. "What? I'm not kidding he's right over there."

I pointed towards Hisoka and they cringed. They could feel the blood lust from here like I could. Even though I already knew about Hisoka's blood lust. It was creepier in real life.

That annoying as hell bell went off and I growled.

"Can I kill the bell, Kenta?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Only if you could get away with it, but think about it, this is satotz. not much can get past him." Kenta said and I growled angrily.

"But I wanna murder the bell!" I whined and pouted, I swore I saw Kurapika blush, I'm not joking! he blushed! a mischievous idea came to mind.

"Kura-chan~!" I sing-songed and Kurapika blushed darker.

"W-what's with t-the n-new name?"

"Cause it's cute." I said and bounced up to him, I whispered in his ear when I was close enough. "Like you."

He went a cute shade of red rose and I smiled cutely. I scampered back to Kenta's side and he shook his head.

"Leave him be, Ren."

"But... but, I only said the truth. Why shouldn't I say it?" I asked innocently.

"You're anything but innocent, and we both know it." Kenta whispered in my ear and I pouted.

"Let me have my fun and I'll let you have your's in the heavens arena." I whispered as I had my back to the others.

"Fine. it'll be your fault if you get your heart broken."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, and you can tell me I told you so if it happens." I said and he sighed.


"Stop, Kenta, I've heard it before. I don't need to hear it again" I whispered as I walked away.

I stood next to the wall when I heard footsteps and they weren't Kenta's steps. I looked up and saw Hisoka.

"What do you want, mister magician?" I snorted and he chuckled.

"Just wondering why you left your little friends."

"I left because I wanted to."

"I don't believe that?"

"Why do you care?" I asked sharply.


"Riiiiight..." I snorted. "Anyways its none of you're business."

He hummed and I glared until he walked away. I walked after people as the began to run, my strides were long and energy reserving. I reached the end of the tunnel directly after the examiner.

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