Well this was no fun

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I stood in the rendezvous spot two minutes before the boat came to the island. I looked around and spotted...

"Hisoka!" I called, bounding over to him.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Awwww, you didn't miss me..." I pouted.

"Now when did I say that?"

"You laughed at me."

He shook his head.

"You are quite amusing when you wish to be."

"Ya think so? Hmmm... I never thought about that."

I hummed as I sat next to him. I swayed slightly.

"What are you humming?" He asked and I blinked.

"Dunno, I always do it, I always hear it."

"You don't remember where it came from?"

"No, Kenta said it might be something our mom used to sing or hum before she died..."

"Is the tune all you can remember?" He questioned and I looked down.

"Sometimes I can almost hear her, if I close my eyes. She had the most beautiful voice..." I trailed off.

"Do you remember a few words?"

"If I try..." I said softly. "I think it's the beginning..."

"What are they?"

"It would be nice if we could put away and throw out
everything except what really mattered, but
reality is just cruel.

In such times,
I see you laughing
whenever I close my eyes.

Until the day I reach eternal sleep,
that smiling face will
have to stay with me without fail."

I sang softly, hesitantly. I was never all that confident with my voice so I never sang in front of people until now. Kenta looked in my direction and I winced, looking away. Hisoka looked at me curiously and I shook my head.

"That's all that I remember..."

"You sing very nicely yourself." He said and I flushed.

"N-no, I-I d-don't..." I stuttered, my face flaming, I ducked behind my hair.

~Hisoka's point of view~

'Embarrassed?' I thought. 'Self conscious? Maybe...'

Too bad Illumi was interested, I was surprised he turned his attention away from his brother long enough to even look twice at anyone, let alone this fragile-looking girl.

Oh, I knew she was stronger than her size let on, I've seen her destroy a wall without so much as a hair out of place, she didn't flinch when she saw the dead former examiner. I had felt three lives leave the island soon after her and Illumi's nen stopped spiking, I noticed her nen very rarely spiked, if it did she was actually trying.

'Shame, Illumi may have the upper hand in this.' I thought with an inward sigh.

"I wish I could change my appearance..." She commented as soon as Illumi stepped into the area.

She only laughed when he looked at her, a slight glare in his eyes. She was unfazed, obviously she knew who he was, she knew his connection to Killua yet she hasn't said anything.

"But my nen isn't manipulation, sadly."


"Nope." She said nonchalantly. "It's a lot more fun than that."

"A lot more fun...?"

"Mhmm. In all honesty I've only shown less than half of it to anyone. I'm creative."

I chuckled slightly, I believed her, curious as I was, I wanted to see for myself one day. She looked up and saw Killua.

"Killua!" She called, standing and bounding away.

I shook my head and looked at Illumi. He was watching her interaction with Killua.

~Normal point of view~

I grinned brightly at Killua and ruffled his hair.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"Just because." I laughed.

I was hyper for no reason, I saw Kenta flinch and giggled. He knew to never get between me and whoever I was bugging when I had a hyper moment.

"I don't think there was any sugar around here." Killua stated bluntly.

"Tch, who needs sugar, it's more fun the natural way."

"Suuuurrree." He said, dryly.

I smirked and pulled Killua around, just because.

"Hey! I'm looking for Gon can you quit?"

"Gon isn't here yet, but he will be. Promise."

"Uh-huh, and I should listen to you why?"

"Cause I'm older than you."

"Not acting like it."

"Bleh! Who WANTS to be serious all the time? Not me that's for sure. I haven't had enough time in my life to screw shit up yet. So far the fun is just starting."

"And what is 'fun' in you eyes?"

"You don't want to know, Killua." Kenta said as we walked by him.

Killua looked at him in confusion, Kenta only shook his head. 'Don't ask.' Was mouthed and Killua knew he shouldn't, so he didn't. I hummed the tune again as we walked. Soon it was time for numbers to be shown, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio turned up at the last second, Killua relaxed and grinned to Gon, who returned it. The passers got on the boat and we headed to the final exam sight. I bugged Illumi next, surprisingly he didn't try to kill me with any needles, like at all, not even to try to scare me... Eh, I'd figure it out later. When I feel like it.

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