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"Jungkook-ah~~... i hurt my finger"

"Why you hurt yourself..let me take a look"

"I want to cut the vegetables but end up cutting my own finger"

"Aish.. you should be more careful next time okay my sweety"

"Okay jungkook.. i promise"

Hurt?. Sweety?.. huh such a nasty drama this morning. Such a pathetic way to get a attention by cutting your finger.What such a mood i have here sitting at the dining table watching two people play lovey dovey at this morning.

Sweety?. That is just a name that shit girl give it to herself and male jungkook to call her that. When i heard it i just want to vomited it right away.It's been a month since that shit girl stay here and she has show so many ways to get jungkook back.

"Sinb..are you okay?"...i look beside me and it was jungkook. He rub my hair and give me such a cute smile. I smile back at him. I just noded but that not the answer that he wanted. He put his hand on my forehead to check if i get sick or not. Caring?. Yes he is. Although he being too nice with that shit girl but he never forget me as his wife.

" fine"..i said to him. He still doesnt beleive me.I just laughing with his concern. I like him being this way."trust fine".."seriously?"..  i came closer to him and cup his face."yes i am". I give him a peck on his lips. He look at me with a blank face. Then he do the same. He cup my face. "Okay.. i trust you". Hen then peck me on my lips, nose, eyes, cheek, forehead, jawline and last but not least he kiss my lips.

I feel warm by his lips. We having a happy time until someone destroy it."ehem..the breakfast is done. Can we eat now?". I give her a death stare and same goes as her. It seems she had plan something to get a revenge. But luckly jungkook doesnt notice."oh yes. Shall we eat".jungkook said that to us and she sit beside jungkook.

I start to get my plate but it stop when jungkook suddenly whispered to my ear."we will continued it later". He wink and i smile at him. Jungkook start to eat the breakfast meanwhile i givr that shit girl a smirk. Irritated?. Ofcourse she is and serve her right.

After having a breakfast i just feel want to read some book. I said to jungkook to joint me and he said yes. But first he need to go to the shop for buying something. I enter a room with full of book. I start to choose the right book to read. I already done reading all this book and i dont mind to read it again.

I sit at the couch and start read it. It seems peaceful to read without someone disturbing you. But then i heard something smashing on the floor."jungkook? that you?". I call for jungkook but no respond. Then i though it was that shitty girl. So i ignore it but then it happen again. What that shit girl doing?.

I went out to take a look what happen. I open the door a and start to walk away but suddenly i felt of. This time it's so hurt more than usually."SINB!!". I heard a voice and it was jungkook. He run to me and start to help me to get up until he saw a blood. "'re bleeding".Not thinking too much he carry me like a bride style and took be to the hospital.

It's been an half an our until jungkook had given a permission to see me. He sit beside me and hug me. "Are you feeling better now?". I just noded to him. "Im sorry Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. Im doctor heechul. Im here to tell you two something". " yes doctor. What it is?". " i hope the two of you be patient". jungkook and i wait patiently for the answer. The doctor take a deep breath and let a sight.

" she had  miscarriage........."


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