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*Erin's POV*

"No! Please master! Please, I'll be okay without this publishing company! I'll send it to someone else! please don't send me to that school!" I yelled while crying, He promised to stay with me! Why the fuck is he leaving me...? Mark stood up and went out the room, I wanted to go after him but I decided to call Mia and El for help. "Good fucking 6 AM to you too Erin." Elli said a bit pissed, I sobbed and replied "E- Elli... he is sending me away... I can't... please... help me... I don't want t- to break up with him because of my career... I don't care If I won't be famous...", "Wait, what!?!? You and Master Mark are breaking up?! WHAT HAPPENED OVER THERE!?". 
"C- can I come over please..." I asked and she replied yes. I went out of the elevator and saw Mia standing out the elevator, "Come, baby, Tell us everything" She hugged me and dragged me into the apartment. After 3 cups of hot cocoa, A full tissue bag I finished telling them everything, "Oh my... Erin... I think you should listen to my brother. Believe me breaking up with you will break him and kill him inside, But he wants what best for you, Your still young so it won't affect you that much. Tomeo Boarding school is a really really good writing school, It's the best of the best. And Miku Publishing is THE publishing company" Mia explained, I and El were both in tears hugging each other, "Mistress but think how painful it will be for him to leave Master Mark. Master Mark saved him from his parents and always loved him... And I think Erin loves him too." El sobbed and said. After an hour or so there was a knock on the door and The girls asked me to go open the door. 






"Here you are" In front of the door was Mark standing, His eyes were puffy and red. I felt a hand on my shoulder from behind and I looked to see who was that and I saw Mia, "Brother", "Sister". 
Mistress Mia invited master and me to breakfast.

"So what are you guys going to do?" Mistress asked. "I'm going to send him to Tomeo. And he can't say no..." Mark replied quietly.
"Master Please! Don't leave me! I love you please!" He shook his head, "You're making it harder for yourself, Erin.  I suggest you stop it." I couldn't help but cry even tho everyone was looking at me... I was losing the one and only person I love....

After a few days, Miku publishing sent me another letter thanking me for agreeing to they're terms and they told me I'll be starting in a week.... That week... I and Mark did everything we could to be together, Mark took the week off and went with me to the amusement park he used to talk about. Every night I would cry to sleep... I don't want to go... I don't care about my career I care about Mark, I love him... Until I trusted someone so well... Fuck my life... Of course, it would end like this... It's not like we would get married. I sighed and kept packing my clothes...

The had come and Mark himself drove me all over the country to the school, I hoped on the way there he would stop the car and take me back home but he just kept looking at the road and kept driving... We didn't talk even a word all the drive, My heart was breaking slowly... Why didn't I just die that day, that day when my mom hit me...? It would be less painful... why me?! We stopped in front of a huge building, Mark went out the car and looked around, A short fat man came closer, He was almost bold and had small weird glasses, "I guess your Erin's cousin." The man said and Mark nod and shook the man's hand, "I'm the School Director. It's a pleasure to meet you. Where is the young talented boy if I may ask?", "He is in the car, He is very excited, and scared to leave his only house, But I believe you will take care of my baby cousin, Hm?" The man nodded. "Erin out of the car." I followed his orders and went out the car looking at my legs, "H- hello... My name is Erin Kim... Nice to meet you, sir" I mumbled and the man smiled, "Hello Erin, I'm your School Director, You may call me Mr. Robin, Your roommate Max is waiting for you, all your stuff is already in your room and Max will show you around the school. Say goodbye to your cousin and we shall go." I looked at Mark who smiled sadly, I ran and hugged him tightly, Tears flowing down my cheeks. "I love you, Mark... Please stay... Please don't let me go..." He held my face and softly kissed my forehead. "You need to go... Goodbye Erin." Before I knew it Mark stood up and waved off, he got into the car and started to drive away, I looked at him go until I couldn't see him anymore... "Let's go, Erin." Mr. Robin said and started to walk and I went after him sobbing. I went into a big bedroom, with 2 beds. One of them already had stuff on it and there was a boy reading a book on the bed, "Max, Meet Erin. Erin this is Max, He is going to be your roommate this year." I looked at the boy, He had black dyed hair, some angel bites, snake bites and a septum. He wasn't thin or fat and he had those big brown eyes. "Aye mate." The boy said with An Australian accent, "H- hello...", "I'm Max, age 19. I write horror books, How about you?" He asked, I looked on the floor and answered, "I- I'm Erin... I turned 17 in April... I write gay romance books..." Max smirked for some reason, "Okay boys, I'll let you be. Max, please show Erin the school" Max nodded and Mr. Robin left the room. "So gay romance? Your gay?" I went over to what I guessed was my bed and sat on it, "Y- yeah... I had a boyfriend but he broke up with me so I would go to this school..." he hummed, "A- are you straight, Sir...?" He chuckled, "Dude please call me Max, And I'm pansexual. I don't care for gender." I laid on my bed, "When do you want to go out to see school?" I wasn't sure if I can really talk with anyone right now... So I just kept quiet and close my eyes. I think I fell asleep because I didn't notice when someone was hugging until I felt they're grip go harder, "A- ouahh" I yelled and opened my eyes to see Max hugging me, "You are crying and yelling 'Mark come back' In your sleep. Mind to explain?". "No. Please leave me alone. I'm not here to meet people... I don't want friends so please ignore me." I said not wanting to talk to anyone except master... Max sighed and went out the room. My eyes water as I remembered that I have 5 years until I finish this school... Mark is going to forget me...

*Mia's POV* 

I was in a punishment with Ellie as my phone rang, I was so tired afterward, that both I and El went to sleep right after it, When I woke up at around night time and I looked at my phone and saw a voice mail... Who would leave a voice mail?! I looked at the number and saw it was Mark, I heard him whisper "Mia hi... As you know I took Erin to his school today... It's been done, Now... Yeah... Bye..." He sounded like shit, I looked at Ellie sleeping and kissed her forehead, She moved a bit, "Mistress where are you going...?" she asked sleepily "To Mark, He seems to be in a really bad mood and I'm worried. Keep sleeping and I'll give you your reward later." She nods her head and closes her eyes again. I took my phone and went to the top floor of the building, Knocking on the door no one answered... "That's weird he was supposed to get home before 3 hours... Ammm" I opened the door with my spare key,  and all the lights were on, I looked everywhere but Mark was nowhere to be found. Until I got into his office... On his desk was a letter with my name on it:

"Dear Mia,

How do begin this without sounding cliché or dramatic?
 By the time you read this, I'll be gone, away.
of course, I can't stay here. If I'm going to do this I can't see Erin again, can't face him.
A clean break is for the best. For both of us.
I'm taking a plane and I'm going far away. I don't even know where I'm going yet.

Here are a few things I was to inform you and ask you:
I'm having a trust fund put together for Erin. Don't tell him. I'm having some lawyers contact him to tell him that it's an insurance policy that his grandpa left him for when he's 20. It's set up never to run out, they'll just tell him it's well invested. I don't want him to ever know it was from me. It will either give him false hopes or he won't use it because he's angry with me...probably the latter.
I've also arranged to have you in charge of all business dealings, for now, I... need a break.
I can't promise I'll be in touch for a while, but if there's an emergency you can text or email me. If it's a Erin emergency ...  you deal with it, use all the resources we have, but you take care of him for me... Please.

know he'll hate me for this, but I have to do what's right for him. Please do all this just as I say.

I know I'm asking a lot big sister, and you'll think I'm a coward for running.

You may even hate me, but if you've ever cared about me, please just do as ask. Please sister. 

Your smaller brother, Mark"

I read this letter over and over again until I felt a hand behind me, I looked behind me and saw Ellie looking at me, I hugged her and started crying, "Mistress?! What's wrong?! Ma'am?!" 
I showed her the letter and just like I did she started crying, "N- no... It's impossible..." 

Trying to Call Mark, again and again, didn't work and I guessed he was on a plane to somewhere far.... After a few days, Erin texted me, 

Erin: Hello Ma'am I was wondering what happened to Mark's number? I can't call him, It's like his phone is blocked... He didn't block me right...?"

Mia: Idk fella I really don't know if it's blocked, I heard he went to a trip so maybe he left his phone at the hotel.

Erin: O- oh... Okay, thank you! Pls, tell me when you know he is back home safe.

Mia: Will do. By the way, Your coming over for Easter. No asking.

Erin: Yes ma'am can't wait to see you girls again! well, I need to go I have class! talk to you later^^

I felt bad lying to Erin... But I have to make him be happy and keep him in the school and not worry about Mark... I'm sure one day he'll understand... One day...

(A/N: THANK YOU FOR READING RUN! THIS IS THE END OF THE BOOK!!!! Thank you for 1.82k blue babies! I love you all! vote and comment?)

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