Chapter 14

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*Erin's POV*

I was really tired after Sir "Punished" me, Well we all know it was more a reward than a punishment but he claims that it was definitely a punishment, "Yeah yeah whatever old man" I chuckled and he smirked, "Old man? Well if I'm old that means I need to get married and settled Hmm?" I blushed, "M- married..?" I asked and didn't know what he meant, "I'm kidding pet. Get that hopeful teenaged girl face away." I let out a small 'Hmph' and looked out the beach. We were on our way to something and Mark didn't let me know what. "Hmph, my ass; Don't hmph me or I'll spank you here and now".

It was getting darker and I kinda wanted to go home but I guess not. I looked around a bit scared and sir took my hand in his, Wrapping our fingers together and smiled at me. When we got to where Master took me there was one black horse waiting for us on the beach, "A- horse?" I asked a bit confused, "Yes! were going horse riding!" Mark said excited, His eyes glowing from excitement, It seems so cool in movies so I was pretty excited too. A tall man named Garry helped us go on the  horse, "Sir Garry what's the horse's name?" I asked while petting the horse's hair, "His name is Luna, It means the moon in Italian" Me and Mark laughed from Garry's Italian accent. "You guys have fun." He said again and we started to ride.

The sun was going down and the sky on the beach was pink, It was so pretty and we were watching while I leaned on  Mark's chest. Master was controlling to where the horse will go but I enjoyed the slow peach riding while sir breathed on me... His breathing was so relaxed and he wrapped his hands around me. "Master thank you for saving me..." I whispered shakingly. I could feel his smile, "You can call me the prince on the black horse~" I laughed, The horse was black but I like black horses more than white ones.

When the sun was fully down and the sky was covered in star Mark took us off the horse and laid on the warm sand, looking up at the stars, The sky was beautiful, It was like the sky was made for us tonight... I was so happy to just lay next to him. 

Suddenly Master pointed on a star "Look a falling star! Make a wish Erin" I looked at where he pointed and there was a glowing star, It was so beautiful. I made a wish, "Did you make a wish baby?" Mark asked while wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer. "Yes, master. I did. Did you wish for something?" He smiled and nodded. 

We kept laying there for around 30 minutes and then his phone rang.

Mia: Yo brother me and Ellie had to go back early. we packed everything :P

Mark: What's wrong sis? Tell ma

Mark got a text from Mia saying they're going to Ellie's mother. We didn't quite understand what was going home but we just kept laying there, Me on stop of him and kissing him. The hour was already 10 PM and we had to start going back home. We got onto Luna and went to Garry. "Yo guys! You're back. How was luna?" We both grinned and said she was a good girl. 

The way to the house was long and tiring and I literally wanted to sleep so bad. "Master..." I Yawned and  he looked at me  again, "I'm not going to give you a piggy bank you baby,  we are home soon" I whined again and he sighed, "You're a pain in the ass you know that?" I nodded and jumped on his back. When we got home Mark throw me on the bed and took his clothes off, Leaving him with his boxers, He crawled my way and grabbed my pants and pulled them off. I took my shirt off and he laid next to me kissing my forehead. "Master you're ticking me~" I giggled and he smiled his eyes were... Looking at me with such... Amm I don't know, Love I guess? I'm not sure... But he seemed happy and I was happy he was happy. Wrapping his arm around my weights we cuddled and breathed in my ear, "Mmmm... Good night, Erin... I love you" That's all I needed to hear before he fell into deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up late and saw that Mark was staring at me... Yes, staring I looked back at him with confusion, "Sir is there something on my face...?" I asked and he grinned. "Yup you have a  huge spider on your face." And of course I believed him and ran into the bathroom screaming like a moron I am, But Mark Laughed all the time while I was panicking and that was a bonus, "MASTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" I yelled when it turned out that there is no spider, He laughed harder and I jumped on him kicking and hitting his chest playfully and of course not painfully, "Alright alright! I'm sorry babe. You're just so cute when you're mad" I bit my lower lip and he smirked, "I- I'm not cute! I'm scaryyyy! BOO~!" I said and tried to be the most serious I can but he just chuckled, "Pfttttttttttttttttttt very scary pet, VERYYYY scary" I grinned happily. I leaned in for a quick kiss and he sat up pulling me into his lap. "Master, Do we have to fly home today?" I pout and he chuckled, "Pout again and I'll push a stick in your ass. Yes, we need to go home, I have work and you need to go back to study." I smirked and pouted again, "Oh that's it, Your dead!" Mark said in a husky mad voice and I started to run away from him.

*Mark's POV*

It was already 3 days ever since we came back home and I had a business meeting in Spain so I was forced to go there even tho I'm the boss of the whole company... I will come back soon... I missed my pet so much... He stayed home because he had to study... I know it's bad to make him miss school but I missed him...

Mark: What's going back home? How's my pet? 

We were texting a lot because we couldn't call.

Erin: Everything feels so lonely without big papa here ;-; Come backkkkkkk~

Mark: Tsk tsk tsk, Don't make me come back there and make your ass sore. How's your book going? ;)

Erin: I hate you! \_(•-•)_/ I don't like studying! Come back and make me sore, That's wayyyyy better than studying ;3

I chuckled as I read that, He preferred a sore ass, ugh? Well, then I'll remember that.

Mark: Noted to fuck you extra hard when I come back. Now go study, It's an order. I'll call you on skype later. Love you :P

Erin: Alright master... I'll miss you~ Good luck at work babe~ x3

Mark: You just added 10 spanks to you're hardcore fucking, It's you who will need luck soon. 

Erin: WHAT NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ;-; didn't you say you love me?! Hmph fine bye (T^T)

This little 'Chats' were extremely funny and he always made those cute little faces that I imagined him doing in real life... 

I sighed, I can't wait to go back home.

A/N: Hello~ Sorry for taking so long, I had a really hard time recently and I couldn't write without crying and things XD Dumb me lol. I'll try writing more!~

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