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*Erin's POV*

We started to watch the movie but soon enough we all got tired of the movie, "So Erin bro"  Thomas Said and everyone looked at me, "Ammm yeah...?'' I asked while feeling a bit cornered. "How is it being loved by Master Mark?" I looked at them shocked, "L- loved?, Don't every master tell his sub he loves him?" they looked at their knees and nodded their heads as a no, "Sadly no... A lot of doms have subs only for the pleasure and sex. Master Mark was one of them and we  all experienced it." I looked at them confused, "W- what do you mean all  experienced  it?" I  asked not sure, "Master mark was a master for everyone at one point or another, But he never acted so nice to us. We all think he loves you", I  looked over at Ellie and she nodded, "He was used to be called by the name 'Play dom', it's liked a playboy but a master. every sub he was with thought they could change him and by now your the only one who changed him..." 
N- no way.... No way I changed him... 
I shook my head, "I don't think I did anything, He was that from the first second I met him, Maybe before I met him he changed his mind about what he wants." 
Before they could answers the masters came into the room, 

"Master!" We all yelled except Elli that Yelled 'Mistress', all we could hear were our dom's chuckling and openning their hands so we can hug them... But Mark did differently... He came to me and hugged me instead of me hugging him, "Master is everything okay?" I asked and I could feel him nuzzle behind my left ear, "Yeah..." He whispers and I warped my arms around him and closed my eyes.
When I  opened my eyes I saw everyone staring at us and smiling, "M- master... I think we should l- let go..." I whispered into Mark's ear and he stood up smiling. "CAKE!" Master yelled and everyone ran into the dining room again, Me and master stopped before entering the room, "Pet having fun until now?" I nod while grinning, Kissing the top of my head we went into the room that was already dark and 17 candles on the cake, Everyone smiled and I sat dawn in front of the cake, "Happy birthday dear Erin, Happy birthday dear Erin, Happy birthday dear Eriiiiiin, HAAAAAAppy Birthday to you!" Everyone sang, "Make a wish baby." I heard Sir say from behind me, I nodded and took a wish, 'I hope to spend the rest of my life with Mr, Mark.' Blowing the candles off everyone yelled, 'Ho rayyyyy~" And Mark started cutting the cake.





A few days had past and Now me and Sir were laying lazily in bed, Me in his big warm hands, "Master, Can I ask you something?" I got a small 'Hm' As a reply. "What did you master's talk about outside? I'm just curious... Because well... I don't know"

*Mark's POV*

"Hm?", "What did you master's talk about outside? I'm just curious... Because well... I don't know" Erin asked and I didn't really know how to answer... 'Should I tell him we talked about me and Him? That he changed me...? No' "We talked about my past, pet". my small pet made an 'O' noise and I cuddled him deeper. "What did you sub's talk about?", "E- eh nothing interesting master...." I could hear Erin's voice shake and he did that every time he lied. "Erin the truth." I demanded, "I- I'm sorry master b- but I can't tell you..." Holding his face I looked into his bright green gems, "Why can't you?", "I don't think I was sposed to know about it sir" He replied, 'What in the world could they tell him that he shouldn't know? Toys? that's fine... ammm... '
"Then tell me what they told you, You won't be punished no matter what the thing is." Nodding he hugged me tighter, "D- did you really had a contract with all of them except El...?" My eyes widen, 'No... They told me about my Playdom past...' "Yes... It was a long time and I couldn't find any pet I liked, They were all... A bit too submissive for me. But every time I stopped the contract I found them a good master, Look at  Mike, for example, He has been with Thomas for almost one year, I've been with him for two weeks, and now they are going to get married soon." Smiling I remembered what I didn't like at him. He was expecting too much for me, He wanted to get married in that year and I wasn't mentally ready and Didn't think he was my one. "M-  master are you going to leave me too...?  We are only 3 months together..." I could see his eyes were starting to water, "No baby, You are very special to me" I kissed his nose and held him tighter. "But what if you will get tired of me...? Are you going to give me to someone else or s- send me home?" Smiling sadly I said back, "You will never tire me, baby. You're just too perfect." he quietly giggled and sobbed.

3 months I am with. 3 months I'm going crazy about him. 3 months ago I started loving him. 3. fucking. months.

I didn't know what to do, My small Erin started crying and all I could do was kiss him and hug him tighter, I really don't think I'll ever leave him. He changed me so much, This small boy who had the shittiest family I have ever met was the one who changed me and Not me changing him like I expected... "Erin... Baby, I swear in my all. I'll never leave you or give you away, I only want the best for you." He hid under me and whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear he said, "I- I love you, Mark..." I kissed his head again, "I love you too, honey."






Waking up to a small scream I look around and Erin is nowhere to be found again, I was starting to panic that Erin is sick again but when I went out the room, to the living room I saw Erin smiling and giggling and screaming from happiness. "Baby? what's wrong?!" he looked at me and smiled, "Master my book is going to be published!" Wait... Book? "What book? how? when? where? WHAT?!!?"

We were sitting on the bed and he explained, "I finished my book a few days ago and send it to my teacher who sent it to some publishing company, They just sent me a letter that they'll love to publish my book and work with me on my next books." Shocked I hugged Erin, "That's great baby!", His smiled disappeared after he kept reading his letter, "Oh no... no..." Tears started to flow on his cheeks, "What's wrong, baby? Don't cry!". He gave me the letter, and I started to read it:

"Dear Erin Kim,
 We read your book and enjoyed it very much! We would like to publish it and work with you on more books. Your book about Peter pan and captain hook was very funny, cute, Romantic and show how much homosexual relationship is not forbidden.
We would like to send you to Tomeo Boarding school, there you can work on your skills and be around young writers as you. We will pay the Boarding school if needed. 
Please give us an answer about our request and we will consider publishing the book.

Thank you, Miku publishing."

Oh god... If Erin wants his book published he'll have to go to a Boarding school?! That means he can't live with me and be mine... "Erin...? If you want it, I'll pay on it and you can go. Your future is important." I tried saying and holding my sadness and tears. "N- no... I want to go... But I can't leave you, master.... I- I don't know what to do..." I don't know what to do as well... And breaking up will hurt... Maybe it's for the best to let him go and succeed...? "Baby if I'm standing between your writing future then I shall go. I'll always be there for you, But... But you need to accept  it." Erin looked at me in shock, "You said you won't leave me! I don't want to go without you!", Sighing I held his hand. "Erin I don't want you to go even more then you don't want to leave me... But it's for your future. I want you to study well and Be famous. I'm always going to be your number one fan... And I'll always love you, But I'm just standing between something you need to do." He was crying so hard now and his green eyes looked so sad... "N- no... I'll try something else... C- can't you move somewhere near and we'll meet every day? Or... I- I'll send my book to some other publishing company! Just, please... Don't leave me... I don't care if everyone else will leave... Just... not you...." I couldn't hold my tears and they started falling, "Dammit Erin! You're making this harder! I want the best for you! And the best is if you will leave."

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