The Netherlands - Belgium

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'Ok, something else then, something fun to do, 'said Alexander, but that twinkle in his eyes already said enough.

'Oh no, I'm so tired of playing that game, 'I said with a wink.

'Oh c'mon, you're so good at playing that, 'said Marcus.

'A game? That's not a subject? Or am I wrong here? 'asked Nicky.

'No, you're not wrong. But someone has to give up a subject and then you'll had to tell a story around that and the one with the best story, wins the game, 'said Peter.

'Oh that would've been perfect for my Sophie, she's so good at those things. It's such a shame that Danny and Dutch Gretchen didn't allowed them of coming with us, 'said Nicky.

Indeed, it was a shame and the tears were streaming down when we said goodbye to her and Tommy.

'He , I got an idea. What if we keep that game until next year? Then they can play too, 'said Måns.

'He, what do you mean? Next year?? Are you coming back to the Netherlands then ? 'asked both Chantal and Melody.

'No, but then you're all coming for two weeks to Sweden, 'I said to them.

'Wow, for two weeks. And are we're gonna stay at your place or do we have to stay somewhere else ?' asked Melody.

'Well, we have to see about that, but those two weeks are certain, 'said Måns.

Ok, it was kinda big at our place, but to put Nicky and her whole family down??? That would be something else.

'We can always put a few tents into our garden, 'said Måns.

'Well, then I will go to a hotel, I'm not gonna sleep in a tent, 'said Nicky.

'We still have some room in our house and the boys are sleeping on the couches, 'I said to her.

'Are they also gonna stay at your place, when we're there too? I mean for those two weeks, 'said Chantal.

'No, they're not. But sometimes it happens that they just passing by and after a couple of beers, then they don't ride back home, 'said Måns to her.

But Nicky knew exactly what we meant with that. She's the only one that knows what we're gonna do next year. Even Kirstin doesn't know it and when the boys were upstairs, together with the kids, Måns said to me: ' That was close, you almost made a slip.'

'Yeah, I know. But luckily you could give a twist, 'I said to him.

'Yeah indeed. We have to be very careful with what we're saying. But Nicky knows it too, so she can also give it a twist, 'he said.

'Yes, and with that staying over, we will solve that too, 'I said.

But we still had a year the time and thanks to Nicky we knew when they had their summer vacation.

'Mum, are we already in Belgium ?'asked Alex me.

I looked quickly on my phone, no that wasn't possible. Then had Kirstin really stepped on the gas.

'No, we can't already be in Belgium, 'I said to him.

'Wait here. I will see what's going on, 'she said.

Ok , a traffic is always possible. But we were close to the boarder and there was no notification of an accident.

'Border check, 'said Kirstin when she came back on the bus.

Border check, between the Netherlands and Belgium? Ok, which criminal did escaped now???

'Ok, don't you found this weird ?'I asked Nicky.

 THE TRUE LOVE SURVIVES EVERYTHING SERIES: WHAT'S GOING ON ??????????Where stories live. Discover now