Entry 7

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I just could not stop wrecking my own life.

The whole school was buzzing with students flirting around, girls and boys each taking part in a push-and-pull game. Chocolates were wrapped, gifted, unwrapped, eaten alone, eaten together.

It's Valentine's Day.

Belonging to the minority population in the class- well, nobody could blame me except myself,I was single today and every other day- I did not give any chocolate to anybody.

"Hayoung. Are you okay? You've been staring at me for half an hour straight."

I snapped out of my daydream and blinked away my daze. Before me, there was the person that had started my day off peacefully.

Ten looked at me with his eyes widened in a mix of confusion and worry.

"I-I'm-I..." My mouth felt too dry to my own liking as I stared back at Ten and gaped like a fish foolishly. My lips parted in an effort to speak up, but nervousness spread from the pit of my stomach up to my face. Suddenly, the world spun.

"Choi Hayoung, right? Are you okay?" Ten continued to question me with a thick patience that I was sure could have been cut with a knife.

This is the first time he initiated talking to me!!

That was all I could think about all the whilst Ten spent his time on my sudden disrupted ability to respond.

Before I could further embarassed myself, a girl appeared next to Ten with apparent blushes on her pale cheeks.

Well, I knew-more like know- this girl. Song Junha, the school's top three beauty. Well, for further explanation... Have you probably heard of beauty with brain?

Junha was one of the few beauties with brain that I knew, and I figured that one out during my first month in school since her name was often spoken with respect by teachers and students alike.

However, if there was anything to indicate Junha's coolness, she was kind and helpful towards all type of students; be them the riches, rugs, brainy or simply stupid. Hell, she even voluntarily tutored me in calculus last semester.

Anyway, back to Junha and Ten. I could not help but stared at both of them, my mind whirling with curious thoughts.

What was Junha doing here?

My other classmates were all too busy chatting among each other (read: gossiping about who got the most chocolates this year) to realize that a drama (not really the dramatic sort, though -_-||) was going to unfold in front of their own eyes.

Uncomfortably, Junha cleared her throat and forced a grin in the direction of Ten.

"Ten, I'm sorry if this is too sudden. I really hate taking things quick without explaining myself, but I've a meeting coming up this morning with our principal, thus I hope you can meet me up after school at the gate?" Junha waited a beat until Ten nodded slowly, as if he was afraid of what was coming his way.

Smiling gladly, Junha extended her right hand towards Ten. That was when my heart twisted painfully, the moment Junha gave Ten a small white paper bag with shaking hands."This is for you. I made a chocolate muffin myself yesterday."

Ten's eyes twinkled and he replied Junha's smile in a flustered motion. "Ah, thank you... See you later." He said softly and watched as Junha bowed before leaving our class.

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