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You looked around at the trees, the wind swaying the leaves and your hair slightly. You looked around, and took a deep breath. It wasn't going to be easy. You got your gear ready, and your heart pounded against your chest drowning your thoughts away. Levi watched you carefully, getting his gear ready. You seemed calm...almost too calm. But your eyes showed determination.
You took a deep breath, and launched your hooks onto a tree, and you launched yourself. You flew through the trees, letting the wind carry you, and along with you Levi flew next to you. You dodged trees and branches, and in the middle of your flying, something came up. A wooden carving of a titan appeared out of nowhere, and without thinking, you slashed the flesh looking part on the titan. Levi was in total awe, although he didn't show it. They had never taught you about the titans weakness.
Did you learn it in the Underground?

One after another, you continued to kill "titans" leaving half of the veterans with their jaws hanging open. The last "titan" is what got you. Two of them appeared out of nowhere, and you slashed one of their napes, but your sword split in two. You gasped lightly, and your eyebrows knitted together. But you already formulated a plan in your head. You twisted into the air, and kicked the severed blade away and it pierced the earth. You launched your hooks onto the tree near the "titan" and you switched your blades out. Levi watched from afar. Your skills were amazing.
You headed for the "titan" and threw your sword at the monsters nape. It missed. But that's what you were planning. You threw your other blade, and it slashed its neck.
You landed on a branch, and Levi approached you.

"Oi, brat you missed. Go get your sword, idiot-" "did I miss?" You said, glaring at him. Levi stopped, and looked to where your sword should have landed.

Far away, was another "titan," its nape slashed, and the sword you threw had pierced the tree behind it. Levi almost smiled in content.
'Finally, a brat that's not so shitty,' he thought. He turned to you, "congratulations, (L/n)...you passed."
You kept a straight face, but inside you were happy.


"And then, Hanji said my skills were off the chart!" Samantha babbled. Scott half listened to his sister, and continued to eat his food. You just picked at it. Scott noticed this, and looked up. "Hey, (Y/n)...what's up?" He asked casually. You glared at your meal, and stabbed your plate with your fork, causing some cadets to stop and stare in slight fear. You got up, and handed your plate to Sam, who stopped talking the moment Scott asked you his question.
"I'll be back. Don't go anywhere, and if they tell you to leave, then meet me in my dorm," you said. They both nodded.

You stepped out of the mess hall, several eyes on you. Including a certain corporals.

You sat outside, sitting on the ledge of the roof, when suddenly the door opened. You glanced behind you, and sighed.
"What do you want?" You asked. "Tch."
He sat down with you, and looked at you. Silence.
"You're really good at this, (L/n)," he said, breaking the silence. You nodded, somewhat bored. Levi glared at you. He gave you a compliment and you just act as if it's nothing?
"Tch, listen idiot! This isn't a game! The Underground is much more different than up here. Down there, you don't have a choice to live or die! Up here you do! Don't make the wrong choice up here," he said. Levi's eyes bore into yours.
"But, there's one thing that makes them both the same..." you said, trailing off.
Levi glared at you, and got up, but stopped when he heard your words.

"It's either kill....or be killed."

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