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The light breeze blew against earth, and created a serene atmosphere that lingered between each and every one of the scouts. You and your friends took your horses, and led them to their own comfort of the stables. Samantha hummed a tune while she gently brushed her comrades fur. Scott gently caressed his horse, and she neighed in response. You on the other hand, led your horse to the stable, and tied him down.

You grunted as your horse neighed in slight anger, seeing as you did nothing to calm its stressed demeanor.

"Where're you going!?" Sam called out. She rushed forward to you, and you glanced at her before continuing to walk into the HQ. Sam and Scott walked alongside you. The trio settled into the large room where a few scouts were staying as well. "Listen," Scott began. "I know that all you want to do is go on the expedition, kill the Commander, get some money, and live somewhere secluded. But, what about the Captain? You know how much he pays attention to people, especially us since we're from the Underground. But what are you gonna-"
"I'll kill him as well." You said.
Scott stopped mid sentence and Sam just stared at you. Scott glared at you, which unfazed you. "Why would you? Can't you see that he'd be hard to kill? He's too experienced!"

You scoffed. "Look. Scott, I'll be in the hallway. Try to look for the Captain and stall him. I'll be in the hallway to keep watch. Sam, I want you to look for Captain Levi's file, bring it back, and we'll look for a weakness. No buts. We're doing this."
You stood up, and looked around. Scott stood up as well, and Sam sat still, trying to look completely normal. You walked into the hallway and leaned against the wall. You saw Sam leave, and head down the hallway.

What was only a few minutes felt like an eon to you, when suddenly clicking boots filled the hallway. You look to your left. Commander Erwin was making his way down the hall, when he noticed your leaning figure. He eyed you suspiciously. Something seemed....off. "Where are your comrades cadet?" He asked. You glared at him. "They're not comrades. They're long term friends of mine," you said.
You had to stall him...the Commander couldn't see what you were trying to do. Erwin stopped. You looked at what was in his arms. A beige colored folder holding papers. You could just make out the first few letters of your name. "Curious are we?" Erwin said.
You looked up at him.

"As a matter in fact, I am indeed curious Commander....what are those files for..." you said. "Or who might I say..."
Erwin kept his mouth shut, not willing to give up any information. "Need I remind you cadet, that this is classified. A person at your rank doesn't need to know," he responded.
"Rank doesn't matter. What does matter is if you decide to keep walking, or to tell..." you said.
In your peripheral vision, you could see Scott peek out. Erwin seemed to have seen him as well, because, without turning, he acknowledged him.
"Go back into the room cadet. This is personal matter," Erwin commanded. Your friend scoffed, and winked at you, giving you the signal to stop all nonsense.

And ever so softly, Erwin spoke with a type of malice in his voice that made your eyes widen. "Alright cadet (L/n)....I know you came from the Underground...but things work more differently up here on the surface. You respect your superiors, especially in the military. And, in any way that you plan to try anything against us, or humanity itself, you will be taken into custody or worse...alright?"
You glared at him, seeming to have composed yourself, and you spit at him. Erwin looked disgusted. "I don't take orders from anybody...I act on my own terms, and if you have a problem with it, Commander, then I guess we'll have to discuss it personally..." you walked down the other direction of the hallway, and stopped when Captain Levi was in view.
You walked past him, and looked behind you and sent a glare which he happily returned.

'Who do they think they are? They think they can order me around like some puppet.... ridiculous...' you wanted to get some fresh air. But, of course they had something to hide. Everyone does, including you. Haunting secrets that would keep you awake at night, knowing you couldn't tell anyone with a fear of being caught....or worse, killed.
But you wanted to find out their secrets...human curiosity was a bitch....

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