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I was tired, and I still couldn't pack up my bags and leave just yet. I am associated with the school press. Meaning that I had to be at tonight's home basketball game against unc.

Simirin who is sitting beside me pats me on the back while reading a wedding magazine. "Same."

"Have you decided on flowers yet?" I examined her large stack of magazines situated beside her.

"No, I don't even get to plan the simplest parts of my nuptials my mother and future mother in law insist on doing everything," she sighs. "It's a blessing and a curse, I guess."

Simirin's wedding date is set for the 29th in February. Again, not her choice. But come on who wouldn't want to be a leap year bride?

Simirin's dark locks were hoisted up into a messy bun, and she wore an oversized sweatshirt over her leggings. I watched intently as the young woman hummed in frustration, slamming the paper magazine hard into the Starbucks table we were seated at.

Silence blankets the table except for the sound of me sucking down my ice latte until Simirin speaks."Mama insists on a big Indian wedding. I just want a traditional matrimony ceremony."

"Have you told her that?"

"I can't she's paying for the whole thing. And Ajay and I just don't have enough money to pay for it ourselves - we're in college, we're broke." Simirin's hands rest along the nape of her neck as she heaves a sigh.

"I don't know what to tell you, Sim." I sip down the last drop of my latte and toss it into the trash which is situated next to our table.

"You're right. Tell me something about last night – oh, how was that hot date of yours?" Simirn's frown transforms into a mischievous smile.

"One word; Hudson." I drop my head to the table and let out an animalistic growl.

Simirin's cold hand is lifting up my chin in a matter of seconds. "Emerald wouldn't. I thought she was going to set you up with-"

"Someone better. Yeah, I thought the same thing until Hudson O'Riley stood in front of me on the front porch of the sorority house."

"Hm. Weird." The genuine confusion seems etched on Simirin's face. I guess she's cringing from the mere mention of Hudson's name.


"Listen, I'm supposed to be buckled up in a car and singing Christmas tunes in an hour with Ajay and I still haven't packed my bags." Simirin's eyes widen as she stands up from the table, shoveling magazines into her bag.

"Simirin, girl, you better go."

The loneliest student in attendance at a Duke basketball game usually equates to me

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The loneliest student in attendance at a Duke basketball game usually equates to me. It's a forever fact - all of my friends are engaged. If I opened a dictionary right now it'd probably have a picture of me – under the word lonely– sitting on the cold basketball court praying that the ball won't inch towards me. It was my first time sitting baseline on the court and the photographs I was capturing were simply incredible. The players hadn't even been announced to play yet, but the fans were garnering entertaining pictures for me to take.

The gymnasium starts filling with boos when the first basketball player from Chapel Hill is announced; I may or may not have been one of those hecklers

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The gymnasium starts filling with boos when the first basketball player from Chapel Hill is announced; I may or may not have been one of those hecklers.

"Make some noise for your very own – the Duke Blue Devils!" The announcer's voice booms through the room, sending waves of energy throughout the crowd.

Once the crowd has quieted down the announcer begins by introducing the lower-class men. He later moves on to calling out the upperclassman; much to the crowd's delight.

"Please welcome a six foot six tall junior from Tennessee; number twelve, Grahm Primavera." With the screaming crowd behind me, I snap pictures of the guy running towards the middle of the court to stand with his teammates. The thought that he looks kind of familiar brushes through my thoughts like a hair brush entangling in my thick curls, but I don't pull on the thought any further I just let it go.

The game starts with tension thick in the room – The Horned Dorset Rams intermingling with the Blue Devils, according to their seating arrangements. The Rams are currently tied with the Devils; leading everyone in the stands to be up on their feet. I stand up with them, thinking nothing of the sudden aggressiveness that is now blossoming on the court. I capture different emotions from every player each game. Why would I think something different? Why would I think out of all nights something very wrong is going to happen?

The truth is I wasn't thinking, while I tug on my neck strap for my camera (to make sure it is secure) I watch the game through my eyes without the safety of my camera. In that moment I remember how bad this idea really is because right now a basketball is hurling toward me hard.

"I got it!" I shout.

Thinking I can catch the ball I step forward a little, making sure I don't cross the baseline. I extend my arms, rounding out my hands bracing for the balls warm touch. The feel of the basketball on my hands never comes because it ends up hitting me square in the face.

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