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I started to respond to Simirin's gauche comment, but something - rather, someone - caught my eye. Walking through the front door was one of the most gorgeous specimen of man I'd ever settled my eyes on; the first being - oh nevermind.

"Who is that?" I pointed to the man walking through the front door of Simirn's parents' home.

"His name is no." A playful smile formed on her lips but the glint in her eye was weary.

"Seriously, who is he?" I nudge her shoulder while stirring the concoction in my cup (Ajay's mom called a drink) up with a straw.

Simirn's parents along with Ajay's had thrown the two a little party before their nuptials in a few days. Surprisingly the weekend of Simirin's wedding was a week we had off from school; meaning most of us, known as the college kids, could participate in the activities that were planned for the week. The party was an Indian-style barbecue. The food I had so far was delicious

"Mine." Aishwarya looked me over with a scowl as she bit out the words.

Why? Someone tell me why Simirn was family friends with such a nasty person.

"He's my brother, Annie," Simirin said waving Aish off.

"Hold the phone, why have I never heard of him?"

"He works overseas a lot. Besides I told you I had a brother."

"You never told me you had a brother that looked like that."

"My mother's already obsessed with finding him a bride while planning my wedding. Do you want an Indian wedding too? If I set you in his sights, you'll probably be marrying him and end up with ten little Jesudasen's running around."

"What's wrong with that?" I sigh into my hand, staring at Simirin's still unnamed brother.

"It'll never happen," Aish worms her way yet again into another conversation that doesn't include her. "Because he's mine."

"You know what else isn't yours besides Simirin's brother?" Aish shakes her head, narrowing her eyes.

"That hairstyle; Ariana Grande much?"

Parth Jesudasen; what a well fitting name

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Parth Jesudasen; what a well fitting name.

I currently had my nose pressed against the glass of a window; I am certain the glare from the sun is playing tricks on me.

But no, it was Graham. And he was... here in Tennessee. Laughing along at something Alice, Ajay's mom had said.

Why? I'm convinced he's following me.

That blonde hair of his is slicked back. He looked like he could be cast as James Bond in the next remake that there inevitably is going to be.

Who's that next to him? Did he bring a date?

He couldn't have brought a date. Simirin's mother and mother in law established a no ring no bring policy.

Wait... I forgot that I don't care about Graham Primavera.

I take this as my cue to enter. Graham's busy he won't see me.

I open the dark chestnut door and try my best stealthy walk towards the staircase. Massive fail. I trip over the rug that's bent up at the tips in front of the stairs.

"Ouch," I whisper-scream, but not quite small enough.

"Oh my goodness, Annie, are you alright?" Chamonix kneels beside me with a goofy smile on her face.

"Yeah just a little clumsy," I shake my head, remembering the real question of importance. "W-what are you doing here anyway?"

Graham kneels beside Chamonix with a look similar to the one he gave me when he chucked a basketball at my head a couple of months ago.

Green eyes. Blonde hair. No.

"We're in the wedding party, well Graham is I'm not. I tagged along because I had nothing else to do. And mostly because I have the best big brother a girl can have." Chamonix shrugged while Graham helped me up.

Mrs. Jesudasen laughed and spoke something in Hindi into Graham's ear before she went on her way to the kitchen.


"You've been stuttering a lot, Annie, do you need to see a doctor or do I just make you nervous with my good looks and all?"

"Neither. I'm just - I wasn't expecting- I'm surprised." I walked over to the couch and plunked myself down.

"That's my fault. I should've told you I was related to Graham. But you seemed so chill from all the st-," Graham interrupted her by pointing toward the kitchen.

"Oh right, I promised Alice I would help her. Bye, Annie, see you later?"

"Yeah, sure."

The blonde gave me a quick hug and with a smirk on her face left to go to the kitchen.

The blonde gave me a quick hug and with a smirk on her face left to go to the kitchen

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Those eyes. The kind of eyes a girl could get lost in. Lashes that should be considered wasted on a guy, but on him? Not wasted at all.

Graham Primavera obviously had the looks. So why couldn't Aish be interested in him instead?

Parth was more suitable for me seeing as his mom wants him to get married soon. And I need a rock on my finger by March 21. June 20th, at the latest.

Sorry to pull a Taylor Swift Reference, this whole situation reminds me of her song "You Belong With Me."

Parth Jesudasen, I need you to notice me.

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