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WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY pass by in a blur, filled with dress alterations and errands.

I smile, pulling the earbuds out of my ears as she walks into the room.

"Girls, how do I look?" Simirin's voice interrupts the music all of the bridesmaids, and I was listening to on full blast.

Ajay's mom insisted that all of the bridesmaids stay in the guesthouse and that's where we've all been staying. Fourteen rooms for fourteen women. The groomsmen are residing in the main house which is, as one can guess, huge.

Compliments and animal-like noises that I can only identify as squeals flit about the room as Simirin twirls around in her white sundress.

Today is the first day of Simirin's wedding. It's called the Ganesh Pooja.

And precisely that is what took place for the next few hours.

Usually, at a Ganesh Pooja, a priest would come to pray to an idol to remove any obstacles for the upcoming nuptials, but the Anthony's and Jesudasens are Christians. So all that's going to happen is a very long prayer from the preacher of the church Ajay's family attends.

Following the ceremony, we all went back to our duties while the bride and groom were nowhere to be found. No, seriously, no one knows where they went. We're all waiting for it
to be twenty-four hours before we notify the police.

All jokes aside, Graham and I were responsible for overseeing the children once again.

However, this time around, I assumed it would be easier; it was late and way past most of the kids' bedtimes. Now that is what I call jackpot. Plus, I've gotten to know where all the chocolate and wine are hidden, and that is every girl's dream of a perfect combination.

Oddly enough, however, Graham was a lot quieter. We put the kids to sleep without talking once. I felt like I should say something, perhaps ask if he was alright. He went for hours without pestering me about nothing; something had to be up.

So, I followed him outside to a small bench in the backyard. I wasn't sure if he'd noticed me until I sat next to him. He gave me a quick nonchalant glance before pulling out his phone.

I couldn't stop the arch that formed in my eyebrows. "What's wrong with you?"

Was that a bit too direct and perhaps rude? Yes. Did I care? Not really.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Shrugging, I ignored the sharp tone that highlighted his voice and replied, "You've been quiet all day; it's very unlike you."

A long moment had passed before he parted his lips to speak. He turned to gaze directly at me as if he was willing himself to let me see how he truly felt. "Here's the thing, Annie. I don't
know what I did to you or what you think I did to you, but I have in no way shape or form ever harmed you. If you like Parth, then, that's fine with me; I fully support you. Did I hit on you before? Of course, I did! I wanted a shot. What I don't get is why you keep pushing me

I sat there stunned by his revelation. The English language briefly escaped my memory as I stared at him baffled. "You don't-I have-no," I muttered uncontrollably. I stopped myself before I could mutter myself into more embarrassment and tried to speak coherently again. "I just don't know why you keep hitting on me, Graham. I'm cool with being friends."

He closed his eyes for a long second, a slight irritation radiating off his aura. "We did kiss on New Year's, you know?"

I grew defensive. "You kissed me."

He looked at me like I was the biggest idiot he'd ever met. "And you kissed me back or did you forget that part?"

When I didn't say anything in response, he continued. "I felt something in that kiss, Annie," His soft tone took me by surprise, almost giving me a whiplash, "I felt something ignite that night and I couldn't just let it go. I wanted to see if there was something more I could find with you than just a kiss, but you wouldn't even let me try. Now, I guess we'll never know."

I gulped without thinking. My heart was beating fast too quick, and I felt like I was seconds away from losing consciousness. I hated what Graham was doing, bring up feelings I'd buried deep. He is not and cannot be the man who asks me to marry him this spring. Graham can't be him. He can't be my to-be-Fiancé. I refuse it.

And with that refusal, something in my heart sank deep. My shoulders were heavy with a worry I couldn't pinpoint and my heart panged with a pain I couldn't diagnose. All I knew was Graham is wrong. Period.

Thus, I scoffed. "There is nothing to know, dude. That kiss was just a kiss. You should've left it at that. I didn't feel anything then if that's what brought you here, and I don't feel anything now. You should let this go. I don't want it to grow into a disdain for me. I want us to be friends."

At first, the way he studied my eyes intently gave away the fact that he didn't believe a word that I'd just said. But acting has always been a talent of mine, and soon enough I convinced him otherwise.

I saw a wall construct itself between us right at that moment. Graham was suddenly closed off, his raw emotions unavailable to my sight. His vulnerability, exclusively to me, was gone. However, the smile in his eyes was back, as was his usual goofiness.

"If you say so, Annie, if you say so," he whispered, a grin forming on his lips. He brought me into a side hug that I had the unprecedented urge to turn into a tighter, more intimate one.
I knew I hated whatever had just happened. But I was too much of a fool ever to admit that to myself let alone Graham. So, I went on pretending it was all okay and that all my feelings and dreams rested with Parth.

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