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Ashton’s POV

“H-hey, can I–I come ov-ver?” Bella’s shaky voice on the other end of the phone startles me.

“Yea, of course!” I had just tucked Harry into bed and was going to watch a movie or something. About five minutes later a very shaky Bella with tears down her face knocks at my door. “Hey, it’s ok.” I tell her pulling her into a hug. Her head is resting on my chest and tears falling onto my shirt. We stand in my doorway for a while just like this until she’s calmed down a bit. “Do you want to stay?” I felt Bella nod against my chest. I unwrapped her from my arms and led her upstairs.

“Now tell me what happened.” I instruct after I had made her put on a pair of my sweats and a t-shirt.

“My dad wants me to move to England to live with him and go to Uni there. And my mom took his side!”

“Wow. So you’re not even considering it?”

“Hell no! I’m not even going to call him back!” she throws her hands up in the air. I don’t think she’s in any position to discuss this right now.  

“Let’s just get some sleep, ok?”

I wake up and find myself curled around Bella’s body, her back pressed to my front and my arm draped over her waist. I panic, we’ve slept together in the same bed before, but we’ve never ended up like this. Without waking her up I slowly get off the bed and go to take a shower. On my way back into my room in just jeans but no shirt, I run into Bella trying to leave. Literally, she bounces off me and I catch her waist just in time.

“Thank-k you,” she stammers out. I keep my hand on the small of her back, turning to go the rest of the way into my room.

“Were you really just about to leave without saying goodbye?” I raise my eyebrows at her. Bella turns her head to look at the ground. “I do know where you live, and it’s not like I’ve never seen you cry before.” I remind her as I pull a clean shirt over my head. She slightly smiles. I tug a beanie over my messy hair and gently grab her elbow leading her out of my room. “We’re going out!”

"Burgers?" I question pointing to our favorite burger joint. 

              "Do you even have to ask?" We walk in and find a booth towards the back. We order our usual two bacon cheeseburgers and milkshakes. 

                 "So what are you going to do about your dad?” I ask. Bella tenses up when I mention it. She had been undecided on what to do for Uni, I think London is a great opportunity.

              "Nothing. I’m not going.”

“What school do he work at again?” I ask, knowing the answer already.

“Oxford…” she mumbles, barely audible.

              "Bella, you can’t give up that opportunity. I know you've got the brains for it!" Bella was one of the smartest in our class. She’s basically the reason I didn’t fail out! She plays with a bracelet around her wrist, one that I gave her actually. I had found it in this little shop a few years back. It's made of bright colored string braided together. 

            "Thanks, but you know I don't really get on well with my dad, and I love it here in Australia." Our waitress comes back setting our food down. While Bella merely picks at hers, I dive into mine. 

              "Yea, I love it here too. But don't you want to get out someday? See the world?" 

             "Maybe. But that's your dream, Mr. Rockstar," Bella smiles at me. I feel a flutter of butterflies erupt in my stomach. What the hell? 

             "Hopefully one day," I try to return her smile, hoping she doesn't notice my blushing cheeks. “So I'm sure that Oxford will be amazing! And I am going to come visit you all the time!" I tell her changing the subject back.

             "You're assuming I'm going!"

“Arabella Rose Jones! Quit being so damn stubborn!”

Bella's POV

I tried my hardest to ignore the feeling in the pit of my stomach when Ashton complimented me. It's just because he said something nice, I tell myself. 

            "So I'm sure that Oxford will be amazing! And I am going to come visit you all the time!" Ashton confidently tells me. 

             "You're assuming I'm going!"

           "Arabella Rose Jones!" I take a long sip of my chocolate milkshake as he uses my full full name. I know that he is serious when he calls me Arabella but using my middle and last as well? He must be as serious as a heart attack. Ashton's brilliant green eyes stare intently at me. And I can't seem to shake the feeling in my stomach. "This is a huge opportunity. You can't not take it because of your dad." I know he's right. 

           "I'll think about it." Is all I say. But it seems to have done the tirck, Ash looks very proud of himself. The rest of lunch is more laid back, thank god. "Talk to you later?" 

             "For sure!" Ashton turns to walk back down my driveway. I take a deep breath before opening my front door. Dropping my bag I searched the house for my mom, finding her in the living room with a book.

“At Ashton’s?” She asks, not taking her eyes from the pages of the book that captured her.

“Yep.” I absent-mindedly play with the bracelet he gave me on my wrist. “We went and got burgers.”

              "I should have guessed! You two have only been doing that since you were about 13!" I smile remembering smaller versions of me and Ashton together sipping milkshakes. "You two have such a bond. I won't be surprised when you end up together!" My mum jokes. We are both putting off talking about the fight.

             "Um no. We are just friends. Always have been, always will be!" I clarify. 

            "Whatever you say, sweetie.” My mom takes a deep breath and puts down the book. “I’m sorry about last night. I just want what’s best for you; you know that. I think this offer from your dad is great opportunity.”

            "I'll think about," I say for the second time today. I quickly walk out of the room and down the hall to mine, closing the door. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. For the first time in a while I dig around in the drawer of my bedside table. Grabbing a pack of cigarettes and my lighter making my way onto the balcony attached to my room and up onto a little over hang of the roof. I'm not a serial smoker, I only do it when I'm stressed or nervous. The only person who knows is Ashton, and that’s because he’d been on a walk and saw me up on the roof. Cupping my hand around the cigarette dangling from my lips I light it and breath in. I instantly feel calm. Resting my head against the side of the house I close my eyes and continue to smoke, letting the harmful chemicals fill my lungs. 

Ashton's POV

I honked the horn of my car in Bella's driveway and waited for her to come out. "I wouldn't play that if I were you," I warned Luke of a love song he was about to play. "Bella will have your head!" he listens and quickly changes the song. 

          "Finally!" Michael yells when Bella comes out her front door. Her long hair is pulled to the side of her head and braided, the shirt she is wearing is cropped showing skin between the top of her high waist shorts. Her signature aviators covering her eyes. My heart rate increases as she nears the car. 

         "Hey boys!" She chirps, climbing into the back next to Calum. He throws an arm around her making her laugh. I feel my anger rising, not even sure why. Well this is going to be an interesting weekend, I think to myself as I drive towards the beach. 

Whooo double update!!! :) you think anything will happen between Calum and Arabella? ;) vote, comment, share with people who love 5sos!!! :) ok that is all, have a fantabulous weeeeek! xo -Rachel

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