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Bella's POV

I search for my words that have all left my brain. Usually this part of ending benefits with a guy comes easy for me. But this is Ashton. I have no idea how to handle this. "I-uh-well how do you feel about Lucie?"

           "I like her, a lot." He absent mindedly runs a hand through his curly locks, brushing them out of his face. 

           "I think you just answered your own question then." I turn away from him and search my floor for my leggings and tank to sleep in. 

            "Right." The atmosphere in my room has changed. Things are awkward. In our 18 years of friendship nothing has ever been awkward between me and Ashton. Until now, and I don't like it. "Uh so how was your date with Aiden?"

            "Good. He's a good guy." I assure him. "Um, Ash?" 

           "Yea?" There is a look of hope behind his green eyes. Hope for what is the question. 

           "I'm tired and should probably sleep."

           "Oh right. Sorry," he apologizes taking the hint. He stops in my doorway. "Talk to you tomorrow?" 

          "Of course." I give him a small smile. After changing I curl up in bed, hugging the blanket close. Trying so hard to ignore the empty feeling in my chest.

Ashton's POV

I needed to know what was going on with us. "So uh where does this all leave us?" Bella seems to think for a while. Leaving me mentally freaking out. 

             "I-uh-well how do you feel about Lucie?" I have to be honest.

             "I like her, a lot."

          "I think you answered your own question then." I knew Bella was right. I do like Lucie, and it isn't fair to keep sleeping with Bella. But for some reason every bone in my body is telling me ending it is wrong.

          "Right." is all I can think to say. I do honestly want to know about her date but when she tells me it went good I become annoyed. I can tell she wants me to leave so I do. "Talk to you tomorrow?" I know I ask her this every time I leave. But I need to know she won't leave. I can't lose her.

          "Of course." A rush of relief washes over me. "Hi mum!" I find her in our kitchen wiping off the counter.

           "Hi sweetie. How are the Jones'?"

          "Good. I'm beat, I'll see you in the morning." I change out of my jeans and t-shirt, struggling to sleep. My brain won't quiet down. The pressure in my chest won't leave. 

Bella's POV

 I wake up curled in a ball from the night before. At some point in the night I grabbed my stuffed monkey Ashton gave me for my 6th birthday and held it close. Letting out a sigh I make my way downstairs. 

            "Morning Bells!" My mum is seated at the kitchen table with a newspaper and coffee. I pour myself a large cup before sitting across from her. "You ok?"

             "Yea, didn't sleep well." She nods knowingly.

            "So uh what was up with Ashton? What did he need to talk to you about last night?" My mum means well but she is notoriously nosey. It's good that we are so close and I end up telling her everything. 

            "Fine, promise not to freak out?" She knows that I don't date the guys I'm with, but telling her about Ash will be much more difficult. 


            "Ok. So Ashton and I were togetherish. In my way..." 

           "I knew it! I knew you guys would get together!" 

           "No, mum. We're not in love or going to get married like you and Mrs. Irwin hope. It was a fling and it's over now. He met a girl and I am taking a chance with Aiden." I tell her matter of factly. My mum lets out a breath and shakes her head.

           "I've always been more of a friend than a mum, you know that. I've always let you make your own decisions and mistakes, but have always been there for you. I just don't want you to get hurt, ok?"

            "I won't, mum." 


           "So what's the deal with you and Ash now?" Mikey asks. We are sitting in the cafe, he came to visit me on my break at work. 

           "Back to being friends. Probably for the best." 

          "Speak of the devil," Michael lowers his voice nodding towards the door. Turning I see Ash walking in hand in hand with a pretty blonde. 

           "Hey guys!" Ashton chirps. "This is Lucie. Lucie, this is Michael and Bella!"

           "Hi," Michael politely smiles at her. I turn full to face them and give what I hope to be a nice smile. 

          "Whoa! Your eyes!" Lucie blurts. I automatically blink rapidly and turn away slightly. "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean it in a bad way. Its just they're fascinating!" 

           "It's fine, I'm used to it!" I assure her to get her to stop apologizing. I try to find something to dislike about her, but there's nothing. She's literally so lieable. "I have to get back to work. It was really nice to meet you!" I tell Lucie. "I'll see you later Mikey?" He gives me a nod. I make my way through the back and behind the counter. 

          "Hey, are we ok?" Ashton slowly approaches the counter. 

          "Perfectly fine. Why?" 

          "I dunno. You seem off. Did you not like Lucie?" 

          "No, she's great. Really." 

          "Ok, good. I was worried. But you still seem mad." 

          "I guess I'm just bummed that we haven't spent any best friend time together in all this mess. I miss you is all." I tell him honestly. 

           "I know. I'm sorry. I miss you too, Belly." I hate that he knows he can call me that and instantly make me smile. "How about tomorrow you come over and we have best friend movie day, yea?" 


 Idk if I like the way I ended this chapter but yeaaa. So who likes Lucie so far? Think she'll stick around? ;)

question of the chapter: If you've read any of my other stories, which has been your fav??

Vote, comment all that jazz!! xo -Rachel

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