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Ashton's POV

"Who are you guys?" her words replay in my mind. I feel sick again. I am paralyzed to the spot, not knowing what to say or do. Next to me her mum starts to sob and her dad lets out a defeated sigh.The doctor asks her a series of questions. "Do you know your name?"

          "Arabella," she nods. 

         "Do you know where you are?" To this she says no. He gently explains what happened, and that she was hurt but will be perfectly fine. After the doctors leave Ms. Jones sits next to her bed and takes her hand.

           "Honey," her voice is shaky. "It's mum." Bella relaxes a little bit at this information. "And this is your dad," David steps closer to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

          "Alright. My head really hurts." A few minutes pass and she looks curiously at me. "Hi," Bella's voice is rough from lack of use but sounds like music to my ears. 

           "Hi," I say quite awkwardly not really sure of what to do. 

           "I probably know you, but I'm really sorry I don't remember." The look on her face is enough to shatter my heart again. Her chapped lips form a slight pout and her eyes are clouded with confusion and regret. 

           "I'm Ashton. Your-uh friend." 

           "Oh, ok. Have you been here the whole time?" I give a small nod. "You were the one talking to me before I woke up, weren't you?" Again I nod. "Well, thank you." Her smile is small but it gives me hope. 

          "Ok that's enough excitement for now. I need to run some tests and get fluids in her. Come back in the morning for visiting hours." A nurse kicks us all out. Over my shoulder I catch her gaze, she's watching me as if she is trying her hardest to remember. 

When I get back to her flat I want nothing more than to pass out but I quickly call Michael. "Hey, so you guys landed then?" 

         "Yea. How is she?"

         "She woke up. But um," I take a deep breath to calm myself. "She can't remember anything."

         "Her memory is gone?" I can hear the hurt in my friends voice, it probably sounds the same as mine. 

         "Yea. She can't even remember her parents."

         "Shit, mate. Ok well we are going to the house they rented for us. Are you coming to stay?"

        "Nah. I think I'll just crash at Bella's flat again. I like it here." Michael understands and says him and the guys will meet me at the hospital in the morning. I crawl into bed and hug my knees to my chest and try to block today out. What do you even do when your best friend suddenly doesn't remember you? I had no idea what to tell her today, but I guess I'll tackle that tomorrow. 

          "So I guess the doctor wants us to go in one at a time so we don't overwhelm her." I tell the guys as we stand outside Bella's room. Her parents had been in the room for a while but went to get some lunch to let us see her. We decided that since I've seen her that Michael would go first. He takes a shaky breath and disappears into her room. 

           "Mate, how are you honestly doing?" Luke asks, as we sit down outside. 

          "Like shit. All I feel is pain, and I can't remember the last time I ate." 

          "I know it's hard, we're upset too, but you need eat. You look really unhealthy." I know he's right but I don't feel like it. A few minutes later Michael comes out into the hallway using the hands of his sweater to wipe his eyes. 

         "How'd it go?" 

        "Alright. It's so hard to sit there and explain how you know her. I showed her a few pictures of us and told some stories, that seemed to help." I hadn't thought of that before. Using pictures and stuff to jog her memory. Calum and Luke both go in and see her before I go in again. 

         "Hi," I shuffle into her room.

         "You're back." She smiles. Today she is sitting up in bed and has less tubes hooked up to her. She looks more lively, bringing me some comfort. "You wear glasses?" 

          "Oh uh yea. They're new," I shrug and sit next to her bed. "Feeling ok?"

         "Much better than yesterday. But I do hate that I didn't remember any of my friends who were just here." 

          "It's ok, it's not your fault." We sit in comfortable silence. 

         "Can I ask you questions to try and remember?" 

         "Of course!" I perk up.

         "How long have we known each other?"

        "Since we were born. Our mum's are friends." 

        "Ok. I am assuming we're close?" 

        "Very." I debate telling her about our fight, but that would lead into a whole lot more explaining that she shouldn't take on now. 

        "Yesterday before I woke up you were talking to me. You called me babe. Are we," she pauses trying to find the right words. "Were we dating?" I struggle to answer her question for a minute, trying to figure out what to say.

        "Yes," the words tumble from my mouth before I can stop them.

oooooo shit. So he lied. How do you think Bella will react? Thank you for all the support this has been getting you guys are literally the best!! If any of you guys like One Direction I have a Niall AU story and I would LOVE it if people checked it out, I'm actually really proud of it! :) 

Next Update: early next week, cause I hate college :/  

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