Chapter Three: The Haunted Forest

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Dorothy struggled mentally with the events of the past few hours, from the sexual assault she had endured at the hands of a deranged magician, to the attempt on her life from two different witches; to say nothing of being ripped from her home by a tornado. But she marched on, managing to make the best of the nightmare scenario in which she was currently traversing, hanging the handcuffs through her studded, thrift-store belt and used them as a sheath for her new sword. Seemingly satisfied with her new possessions, she and Toto continued on through the dense forest.

The mass of trees became thicker as the pair ventured forth, and Dorothy became uncomfortably aware that the light above seemed to come from everywhere, as there was no visible sun in the yellow-tinted sky. But the source of light eventually became irrelevant as the canopy of trees caused darkness to surround them, leaving Glinda's illuminated path as the only light around them. It was enough to allow Dorothy to see everything in the vicinity, but the shadows that it cast were creepy and intimidating.

Hours passed, and the lighted path eventually led them to what appeared to be a crossroad of sorts. The path that they were following clearly went straight through the intersection, but the wooden sign that read Emerald City indicated that they should turn right. Dorothy didn't know who to trust in this nightmare of gnarly trees and sinister sounds, but following Glinda's path seemed to make the most sense. She knelt down to rub Toto's head when she realized that he seem to be fixated on something just off the path.

As Toto stood stoic while growling softly, Dorothy left the path, sword in hand, and surveyed the area. There, she saw what appeared to be an abandoned pumpkin patch, containing none of the bright orange fruit that she was familiar with, but the pale yellow and black-striped variety instead. The patch was about as large as the chicken coop that she tended, and there was a headless and ragged scarecrow hanging over the precious few pumpkins that the patch contained. She turned to see Toto had left the path to stay by her side.

"Don't worry boy, it's just a scarecrow... he can't hurt us." She proved her observation to Toto, and perhaps herself, by gently poking the scarecrow's torso. "See? Nothing."

Toto ceased his low growl and whimpered slightly.

Dorothy looked at the headless figure, and then down at the few pumpkins. She turned to head back to the path, but something caused her to glance back at the scarecrow one more time.

Its right arm had moved.

Toto resumed his deep growl, and Dorothy held the sword out in front of her. The arm had moved from its crucified position, and was now pointed outward, yet angled toward the ground.

"Who's there?" She called out, but the only sound in the area was Toto and her own heart beating in her ears. She thought about the strange things that she had seen in the past few hours, and decided upon a plan; as crazy as it would have sounded just one day ago. She drew a deep breath and turned away from the hay-stuffed figure, and as she did Toto released a quick bark.

She spun to see the right arm still pointing downwards, but now the left arm was raised and seemingly pointing to where its head should be.

"This is not fucking possible," she whispered to herself, but the events she'd witnessed earlier crushed that belief. She cautiously approached the now-still figure, and noticed something on the ground at its feet. She bent down to find a crushed pumpkin... although upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the remains of a Jack-o-lantern; candle and all.

The fear left her, and she actually found herself chuckling. "No... fucking... way!" She stood, glanced down the figure's right arm, and realized that it seemed to be pointing at the largest pumpkin in the patch. Amazing impossibilities flooded her mind, and she allowed herself a smile as she set to the task before her.

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