Chapter Four: Emerald City

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Lion captured three rabbits and the famished Dorothy was finally able to eat, as was her faithful canine; although Tin Man and Scarecrow didn't seem to require food. After extinguishing their campfire, the five resumed their journey. As they went, Lion moved to walk beside the group's unofficial leader.

"You are an interesting persona, Miss Dorothy. Please tell me of yourself."

She snorted a short, sarcastic chuckle. "What's to tell? I'm a sixteen year old girl; I should be at home worrying about grades, boys, parties and acne."

"I am led to believe that none of those things concern you."

She snorted again. "Nah, I was blessed with pretty good skin..."

"You were also blessed with the uncanny ability to deflect questions. There is no shame here, young lady."

She released another chuckle, albeit containing less sarcasm than the previous. "I hate the term young lady. I may be young, but I am no lady. Have you heard the way I talk?"

"The way I speak. I know you are quite intelligent, please show it."

She rolled her eyes. "Everybody's a fucking teacher. Fine, have you heard the way I speak? I can barely construct a sentence without peppering it with colorful euphemisms."

"And yet the sentence you just uttered was brilliant. Why do you wish to hide your intelligence?"

"Look at me, I'm a tramp. Utilizing proper grammar doesn't quite meld with my chosen personality."

Lion laughed at her perfectly constructed, yet sarcastic response. "You probably don't think you're attractive either, do you?"

Another eye roll. "Have you seen me?"

"Yet you just commented that you were blessed with good skin. You have good body structure, pretty eyes, shiny hair, and a rather cute nose, if I may say so. You have simply convinced yourself that none of that exists."

"Well aren't you just the epitome of a fucking barstool psychologist."

"No Dorothy, I was a father."

She suddenly stopped and looked down to him. "I'm sorry... I didn't know..."

"It's okay Dorothy; it was a very long time ago. But it gives me a certain amount of insight into your psyche. I have another question, but if it is too personal I will drop the subject at your request."

The two began walking again, but Dorothy tensed at the question. "Yeah, okay..."

"I'm not only a lion in stature, but physically as well. I have exceptional eyesight."

She furrowed her brow, unsure of the direction of his comment. "And?"

"When we met, you brandished you sword at me; swinging it in an attempt to intimidate me. Dorothy, I could see up your sleeve."

She subconsciously pulled her left arm into her gut and shielded it with her right hand. "I told you, we were attacked by the bat-chimps..."

"Dorothy, those scars seem to be self-inflicted. Could you explain why?"

"No... no I can't. Not... not because I won't, because I can't actually explain it. After I found my mother dead, my world seemed to go numb. Maybe I do it to remind me that the world is real, maybe it's a punishment for being a survivor. I don't know why I do it... I just do."

"For attention, perhaps?"

She produced a short laugh. "Absolutely not. Besides you, not one living soul knows about this, not even Toto. It is personal and private and now I'm ashamed and embarrassed."

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