Truth telling

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Jessica sat on the sofa in Mark's office. She hadn't had a therapy session in three months. It was weird to be back. Mark was typing on his computer whilst Jessica waited for him to start. She sat cross legged on the sofa and picked her at nails. Mark was supposed to be a temporary psychiatrists but he eventually took over from the original Doctor. He looked up at Jessica who smiled at him with slightly chapped lips.

"Well, It's been a while Jess" He stated "How are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm okay thank you" Mark nodded sitting back on his chair and linking his hands over his stomach. "So you and Patrick"

"We broke up" Jessica confirmed making Mark nod like he already knew, he might have been told.

"How do you feel about that?" Mark asked making Jessica look at him. She then looked down at her hands. Mark waited for her to say that she was 'over it' but deep down he knew that she knew she was recovering.

"I have a fear that I'm never going to forget him" Jessica said breaking the silence "His grin or the way he made my heart beat faster" She paused "But looking back at it, he was bad for me wasn't he?" She asked looking up at Mark. Mark was biting his pen, he took it away from his mouth before speaking.

"Not always" Mark stated "It was toxic and I'm glad you got out"

Jessica nodded in agreement. "He was my anchor"

"Do you feel like you're drowning?" Mark asked making Jessica shrug and mumbled a 'sometimes'. "Do you know what happens when you drown? You don't actually inhale until right before you black out. It's like no matter how much you're freaking out, the instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you won't open your mouth until you feel like your head's exploding. But then when you finally do let it in, that's when it stops hurting." he paused and Jessica raised an eyebrow at him. "So if you're drowning, and you're trying to keep your mouth closed until that very last moment, what if you choose to not open your mouth? To not let the water in?"

"But won't that be more painful?" Jessica asked frowning "You just said you feel like your head is exploding, it stops hurting if you open your mouth"

"If it means you'll survive, isn't the pain worth it?" Mark asked

"Just because you survive doesn't mean the pain will stop" Jessica stated shaking her head a little. "Besides if you're drowning, it's a reflex to open your mouth"

Mark remained silent for a few moments. "Wait for a relationship that is filled with goodness but that is completely imperfect, so that you can understand and experience how much better love is when real and human as opposed to perfect and flawless"

Jacob was sitting in Jesse's car. Jesse was taking him somewhere, but he didn't know where. They had been driving for what seemed like forever because of the LA traffic but they were still in LA. There was classic rock songs playing in the background as they sat in the comfortable silence. Jacob and Jesse had been texting everyday, and night, since they went to the diner after the battle of the bands. It wasn't labelled as anything, but it was something. Jacob looked over at Jesse as he bit his lip, concentrating on the road a head of him. Jacob looked away because he was biting his lip and that wasn't cool.

"Where are we going?" Jacob asked in annoyance making Jesse smirk a little and glance over at him quickly.

"Work it out, where are we heading?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen a road sign in forever" Jacob stated making Jesse roll his eyes at him.

"You're such a princess" Jesse stated making Jacob huff at him because that was a bit rude, he wasn't that bad.

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