Chapter 3: Zayn

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  I walked slowly to my fourth period class. Trying not to run into Louis since he's in my class. I hated my school bit my mum didn't have enough money to move. We could barely afford enough clothes for my brother, Greg, so whenever my parents got divorced, Greg went with dad and I went with mum.

I walked into the room setting Louis in his seat right next to mine. Our teacher decided it would be easier for us to be seated at tables so we could talk more and work together on projects.

"Hey Horan, what you doing?" he asked as I say down.

"Um Uhh nothing. Just coming to class like I do every day," I told him nervously.

He started singing his leg and then kicked me under the table probably causing a bruise to form. I hated this. Being such a wimp and not being able to stand up to him, letting him torture and kick me and punch me till I bleed.

I winced a bit and took my book out, trying not to let my tears fall. I opened up to the page we were supposed to open to and felt someone tap on my shoulder.

I turned around setting a tall boy with raven hair and tattoos up his arm stand before me.

"That seat taken?" he asked looking as serious as ever.

"Um yeah," I told him pulling it out for him to sit.

He smiled and sat down holding his hand out for me to shake. I smiled a bit and took it shaking slightly and I saw him smile at me softly.

"Zayn," he said smiling.

"N-Niall," I smiled slightly at how nice he was compared to his tattoo sleeve and lucky thirteen t-shirt.

Zayn seemed like a nice person, one who actually thought I was visible to the world. I saw him at tryouts but never thought to actually talk to the guy. All I wanted to do was be with Harry. But, unfortunately, Harry doesn't care about me as much as I care about him. I'm trying to change that but whatever I do, he doesn't seem to notice.

"Hey Horan. Got yourself a little boyfriend now?" Louis asked whispering in my ear.

I looked down at my book.

"No Louis. I'm not gay," I mumbled looking at Zayn through the corner of my eye.

   After school I ran outside the best I could wanting not to get beaten up by Louis and Michael again.

"Aye Niall!" Zayn shouted running up next to me," Need a ride home?"

"Um are you sure? Do you mind?" I asked glancing towards the door seeing my bullies walk out of the doors staring deeply at me.

"I don't mind. Your my friend. It's the least I can do," he smiled wrapping his arm gently around my shoulder.

I smiled gently and we walked to his black Cadillac. I got in and looked out the window seeing Louis and Michael looking pissed off, Michael taking a drag from his cigarette. I smiled to myself knowing that with Zayn around, I couldn't be hurt.

"So Niall, where do you live?" he asked and I wrote down my address on a piece of paper handing it to him.

"Um you can stay a little after if you'd like. My mum won't be home until a little later and she'll make some supper," I told him wanting him to stay.

"I'd like to. Then I could get to know you more," he said smiling.

I wondered why he was so nice to me. But once he finds out then he'd probably not want to be seen with me anymore. Not even in public.

  We arrived at my house at about five o'clock. I got out and waited for him. We walked inside and I took my shoes off placing them beside the door noticing Zayn looking at me for permission. I nodded smiling slightly and patted his shoulder gently trying to be friendly. We walked upstairs to my bedroom and I closed the door, opening my window for some air but mostly to see the person I thought was so intriguing.

He was outside in a pair of black sweatpants and no shirt. I almost started to drool when I heard Zayn say my name.

"Niall, why are you staring out the window?" he asked placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Um no reason. Just never realized I had a new neighbour across the street," I told him, lying.

He walked behind me and glanced out the window squinting his eyes a bit in confusion.

"Niall that's Harry Styles. You know he goes to our school right?" Zayn asked giving me a strange look.

Of course I know that Zayn. I stare at him everyday when I get the chance because I'm questioning on whether or not I maybe gay!

I simply nodded and sat on my bed looking around the room. I wished I could learn to trust people more and not think that if I told them something that they'd tell everyone else. But hey, what else are you supposed to do?

I noticed Zayn sit next to me and look down at his hands. I could tell he was nervous about something but I didn't know what it was. I wanted to ask him but I didn't want to make him feel like he had to tell me.

"So, did you make the football team?" I asked knowing he did, but I needed some way to start a conversation.

"Yeah. I was kind of forced by my friend Liam to tryout but I'm kind of glad I did. I got to see some good players and I got to meet you. I just wish I was team captain," he explained nervously. I wished he would just tell me what was wrong.

"After Harry got the team captain position the coach offered it to me because I stood up to him. He said I was probably the bravest one so far on the team. I didn't take it though because Harry is really nice and stronger than I am so I'm stuck with my position, even though it's not a  good one," I told him looking down feeling bad.

"Well you should've taken it. That's a big position and I think your perfect for it," he said placing his hand on my knee trying to comfort me.

I released from his grip on my leg and got up looking light the window at Harry coming out of his home and walking up to an unfamiliar car parked in his driveway.

"Zayn, have you ever felt like there's something about you that you never knew existed and your kind of worried about what people would think if you told them?" I asked seeing a tall skinny girl get out of the silver car and hug Harry.

"Umm I think so, why?" he asked.

"I think that's happening to me," I mumbled watching Harry and the strange girl snog in his drive leant up against her silver Mercedes.

He still had no shirt and I was pleased when watching his back muscles move while his arms were rubbing the girl's sides. It looked like they were enjoying the moment whilst I was up in my window gazing down at them feeling quite lonely myself while Zayn was slowly walking up beside me worried.

"You like him don't you Niall?" he asked placing his hand on the small of my back looking at me.

I glanced towards him and nodded looking down at his arm still wrapped around my small waist. I blushed a bit not knowing why and I looked back out the window, Zayn tilting my head back up to face him. I looked into his dark eyes as he slid his thumb over the bruise right below my eye from Louis punching me so hard. I shivered a bit and he leaned in closer tracing his lips slightly over my ear and down my cheek. He kissed me softly and I kissed back confused. Why would he kiss me? I thought he didn't like me and I never knew he liked guys.

He pulled away and ran his fingers through his dark hair frustrated. I stepped back and looked at the ground.

"I-I'm so sorry Niall. I-I better go," he said and ran out getting into his car quickly and drove away. Leaving me all alone to stare at the man I love Fuck his girlfriend in his drive.

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