Part 1: Family & Choices

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My alarm rings in my ear for me to quickly sit up turning off my alarm. Getting up, I go to the washroom taking a shower with freezing cold water, washing the old blood off my skin. Once finished in the shower I blow dry my hair, before straightening it. I then go over to my closet placing on my uniform and clean black shoes on; straightening my hair out in my mirror. I look to the time and curse under my breath quickly grabbing my bag. Half way out of my room I remember that I didn't open my curtains, so I open it before leaving. Before descending the staircase I take a deep breath straighten my back, then walk down the stairs. As I come to the door way of the kitchen I see my dad sitting at the dining table with coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. I scan the kitchen looking for my mom to see her making breakfast with a blank look on her face. I tilt my head wondering how she could always have that look on her face, but I find myself smiling when my dad acknowledged me even though I'm not necessarily happy

"Good morning Amelia, did you sleep all 12 hour?" He asked taking a sip of his coffee. I nod taking a seat across from him

"Yes father!" I said placing my bag beside my chair, before folding my hands on my lap and staring forward just thinking like I was taught to do and not state my opinion. I turn my head to the left for my eyes to fall upon my mom "mother?" I said for my mom to give me eye contact for a few seconds

"Yes, Amelia?" She said annoyed, picking up the plate of egg and walking over to dad and I placing it down in front of us

"Thank you mother!" I said with a smile. Dad looks to the plate for a split second, before folding him newspaper beside it

"Thank you, Rachel!" He said giving her a fake smile. She nods turning around

"Mother their is a pep rally today at school and I was wondering if I could go?" I asked hoping she would say yes, even if I knew it would most likely be a no

"Instead of doing your homework, most certainly not!" She said strictly for me to feel sad, but I don't show it as she takes a seat beside dad. Dad looks at me squinting his eyes

"Well I disagree, Rachel. She's never social and you know that can make the mind do crazy thing. The mind isn't meant to be isolated!" He said taking a sip of coffee. I look at my mom to see her mouth is in a fine line

"Fine. Two hours and two hours by most. Any later than that and you know the consequences!" She said for me to nod quickly. She gets up already finished her breakfast grabbing all the plates, before cleaning it. I grab my lunch placing it into the bag

"Bye mother! Bye father!" I said, before closing the door. For a minute, I stand there with a sigh of relief happy I can be just slightly more social today. Though I don't think it will go very well. Brushing that feeling off, with my head held high I walk to school a 20 minute walk away from my home. Once I arrive, I go to my locker and grab my books, before going straight to class, but am quickly stopped by a shove to my right for me to slam into lockers. I turn to see the school's mean girls giving me an evil smile

"Oh is poor Amelia hurt?!" The main mean girl, Rosy said to me. I ignore her standing up straight feeling blood drip from my forehead, but not showing any emotions. She laughs, but stop when she sees the blood, before walking away for me to slowly walk to the washroom cleaning my wound, then go to class in an enormous amount of pain. Once in class, I lean forward in my seat as to not make my back hurt more and stay quiet for the class taking notes; for the rest of the day that is also what I do as that's usually how I am, but instead of going home I go to the field and sit on the bleachers beside other students that go to my school, with a few that don't. The football team plays and our school stunk, but the cheerleaders we're amazing that I would give them. I check my wrist to see I had to leave even though we we're only two hours in. I run home at the quickest speed that I could possibly go. When I get home I'm a minute early

Book 1: The Family TreeWhere stories live. Discover now