Part 3: Classes & friends

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I wake up slowly for their to be knock on the door. Tiredly, I go and open the door

"Yes?" I said leaning on the door only half awake. Jeff stares at me in disapproval

"Why aren't you dress. Breakfast is in 10 minutes and right after breakfast is class?" He said for my eyes to grow. I slam the door in his face quickly changing into my uniform going to the washroom. I brush my teeth with the toothbrush and toothpaste given and do my hair into soft curls with a curling iron I find and I'm thankful for. I grab the school bag placed on a chair in front of my desk throwing it onto my back. I lightly spray myself with perfume, before quickly jogging to the door opening it

"Ready?" I said happily for him to glare at me. He grabs hold of my wrist pulling me down the hall

"You took 5 minutes and the breakfast place is 10 minute walk so we'll run. I hope your fast!" He said for me to smile and nod. We leave the building "that's the building!" He said pointing to one which looks like a little speck as people are walking into it. I smirk "Race you!" He said for me to nod

"Okay go!" I yelled right after bolting

"Hey!" He yelled angrily. I laugh tilting my head slightly back. I jog there to find that Jeff turns into a little speck even thought he was running from what I could tell. I make it there and wait about a minute before he makes it to me

"Your a minute late!" I said for him to roll his eyes panting unlike me

"What... Ever!" He said, before we walk in. We get into line and get amazing breakfast. I got two scrambled eggs with two bread of toast golden brown. I look around the place "so do you want to sit with me today or by yourself?" He asked into my ear so close I had to hold back a shiver. I smile turning to him

"Sitting with you. I'd like to met the people who are strong enough to put up with you like I sadly have to. Maybe they'll give me some advice!" I said for him to walk to his table rolling his eyes. He sits down for me to slowly sit down beside him

"Guys met this annoy girl who's name is Amelia and met my annoy friends Tisane, Sarah, Alex, Tomas and Mel short for Melanie, but don't call her that!" He said in a warning tone. I wave at all of them

"Wow. Got a hot one, Jeff!" Alex said with a smirk. Jeff rolls his eyes as I shyly sit there and eat my egg ignoring his comment. Sarah punched his arm for him to rub his arm "ow just saying!" He mumbled rubbing his arm

"Well then don't say anything!" Sarah said before turning to me "sorry about my boyfriend. He doesn't really have a brain up there!" She said chuckling for me to laugh along with her. He glares at her

"Rude!" He said rolling his eyes. Thomas looks up from his book

"Oh hello what's your name?" He asked politely. Mel looked at him surprised

"Good job book worm!" She said sarcastically. I brush off her comment

"Amelia!" I said shortly for him to nod "what book are you reading?" I asked for him to smile

"It's called We Were Liars!" He said for me to look at him surprised

"By E. Lockhart?" I asked for him to nod looking surprised

"Wait you know that book?" He asked for me to nod

"Yah I love it I read it about a million times. It's one of my favourite books!" I said for him to smile

"Finally someone who shares my passion. Who's your favourite character?" He asked for me to smile

"The grandma she's the only one I truly think is good!" I said for him to nod

Book 1: The Family TreeWhere stories live. Discover now