Part 5: Protection & appearence

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Soon, I get to the Principals office that is guarded by many men. With a whiff of sleeping magic they fall to the ground each and everyone of them. I quickly push the door open to see a guy with a knife to my moms throat ready to cut her

"Get away from her!" I growl out quiet protective of my loved ones. Cadence and this person whom I realize is a women looks up at me. She looks at me surprised then behind me

"Good fighter I can tell. You do not want to mess with me, she did horrible things to me!" She said for me to look at her with the same angry expression

"What's you name?" I asked even though I was pretty sure I already know who it was

"Valerie. What's your dear?" She asked for me to chuckle at her name

"Seriously. You Valerie I honestly would've expected someone with a better reason to kill the Principal than that!" I said for her to glare at me

"You don't know anything!" She said back to me angrily. I use my hand to move the knife away for my moms throat with magic

"I know your weak!" I said pushing her onto a chair with my magic "I know your reason!" I said tying her up with some rope I made out of magic "and I know your pathetic!" I said shortly. I unwrap my mom of the rope she was put in as Valerie glares at me

"Then why don't you give it a shot. See how close you are!" She said with a smirk crossing her legs over as if she's not the weaker one at this point

"See I don't need you to confirm what you did or for me to tell you. Seeing it I know your motive and it's hella pathetic. I don't care if you believe it or not I know why your here because I do and I'm not the weak one here!" I said going to stand in front of her. She kicks me for me to use magic to block and rebound it hearing a crack. Her eyes start to water as she cursed so much crying

"Thank you, Amelia!" Mom said to me for me to nod

"Yah anytime. Can you deal with her?" I asked to my mom pointing to Valerie.  She nods looking at her

"Yah. We will just... Talk!" She said for me to nod

"Okay!" I said, before leaving even though I so badly wanted to hug her, happy she's alright. I go downstairs and use my magic to push all the bad people out of the gate. The good look around frightened, but don't say anything. They slowly walk into the castle mumbling stuff as I run back to my room. When I'm back I noticed a worried Jeff

"Amelia your alright!" He said happily giving me a tight hug. I chuckle

"Of course I am. Do you know who your talking to? The best of the best!" I said before I see a flash of white "oh no!" I mumbled under my breath pulling away as I open the door

"What's wrong?" He asked for me to give him a smile

"Another Praevideat got to go bye!" I said closing the door on his face. Once I flop down on the bed I'm out like a light!


As I look around the cafeteria everyone I knew looks older than the last praevideat. Valerie was off talking happily to her friends and so was Derek. You would never suspect they we're the people I saw by how they looked like in the cafeteria. All of a sudden, I hear a big explosion. Worried,  Annabelle gets up looking around for someone and I realize it. Alfred and Cadence aren't here. I start to panic before realizing no harm could come there way as they are here in my world still alive. With that thought I calm down, but Annabelle doesn't and why would she. Their's nothing that in her mind will say that they'll be 100% alright. I watch as she runs out of the cafeteria into the castle against the teachers who are yelling for her to not go into the castle. Annabelle runs down the hall and I realize where she is off to. Cadence's room. She pushed the door open for me to see a worried Alfred and a yelling Cadence on the bed and it hits me. She's going into labour with me

Book 1: The Family TreeWhere stories live. Discover now