Part 2: praevideat (pray-eve-date)

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By myself, I go back to my room unpacking my school bag. To test out my magic, I close my eyes and imagine I have all my old clothes in front of me. After a bit of standing there I feel light headed. I open my eyes stumbling to the side and falling onto the ground. I look up shaking my head to find my clothes, not all of it of course, but the ones I usually use. There's a knock on my door which freaks me out

"Coming!" I said loudly throwing my clothes into the closet for my ring to stop glowing as I slam it shut. I run over to the door for it to be Jeff "hello!" I said slowly. He smiles and nods

"Hey Principal H wants all new students to go to the gym!" He said for me to nod. I walk out closing the door shut before following him. When I walk in, I see all the kids that were unconscious in the car prior to this. I sit down for Jeff to go over to the big stage

"Now that everyone's here. Welcome Principal H!" He said with a big smile. A lady walks out with long brown hair and perching blue eyes looking in her late twenties. She walks up and nods to Jeff for him to move away

"Thank you Jeff!" She said quietly for him to nod. He stood beside her as she turns her head to look at all of us "Hello and Welcome to spy Academy. For whatever reason your here, you are the next generation of spies and I only want the best of the best so be no disappointment. Ever new student gets a student in the final year to help them throughout. The person who brought you here is going to be that person for all of you guys!" She said look around and making eye contact with the 30 kids each, holding mine the longest or maybe it was just me "Questions?" She asked for a lot of hands to go up. She points to the big buff boy I brought to his room "yes?" She asked him. He looked cocky, laying back

"How old are you?" He asked in a flirty voice for me to look at him surprised, but she just look at him as if this is usual which probably it

"35 this year!" She said. The boy smirks and sense he was almost right beside me I heard what he said

"Sick. This will be so easy for me to get into her pants!" And for some reason when he said that I felt overly disgusted not because of age gap or because she's the Principal, but something else. She then turns to look at me "yes, you?" She asked for me to look at her my facial expression natural even though I'm freaking out

"How can we build a life here?" I asked for everyone and I mean everyone in this room to look surprised

"Well uh..." She said speechless. She coughs "...well you will learn how to fight like no other and get a job as a spy which is one of the most well paid jobs. At this school you will meet other spies and get a chance to get a feel for the spy life. You will be paid here not as much as being a real spy, but well. The food is very good too!" She said rambling as if not prepared for this question. With wide eyes she goes on to answer other people's questions. Once finished, we all walk back to the dorms

"Amelia Elizabeth Gonzalëz report to the office. Amelia Elizabeth Gonzalëz!" Someone said throw the microphone for 12th graders to gasp. They start whispering to each other as I turn around getting to the office easily as if I've been here before. A flash of white light blurs my sigh making me stumble onto the wall holding it to support myself as people looking at me weirdly as they keep walking. I take deep breaths as my breathing becomes shallow. The world starts to spin and I topple to the ground, which catches other people attention. People start to surround me as they mumble, but just stand their not going to call for help

"Move it!" I hear the faint voice of Jeff. Once he has sight of me we lock eyes, before I black out completely!


Someone held my hand guiding me throw a big castle as I look around the place my eyes memorizing the place completely. I look to the person holding my hand to see a boy around my age. I then look down to my hand to see it's the same size. We walk to a huge room with big double doors

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