Part 6: New Beginning (one page!)

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After a while of just crying my parents pull away

"I'm sorry Amelia. I'm so so sorry. I've been a horrible father and I can't take back what I did, but can we start over?" My dad asked tears in his eyes for me to nod giving him a tight hug

"Of course, Daddy!" I said softly into his ears. I give his a koala hug as he rubs my back

"Thank you sweetie. I promise to always be the best from now on!" He said for me to pull away raising one eyebrow "don't worry I'll try really hard not to break it this time!" He said for me to smile and nod. I look at mom for her to walk over

"I love you dear always know that!" She said for me to nod cuddling my head onto his shoulder. I smile into the hug "I was wondering how do you know all this?" Mom asked for dad to look surprised

"Wait you didn't tell her anything?" Dad asked for mom to shake her head. They both look at me suspiciously for me to pull away from the hug and sit on the chair in front of the piano

"You guys might want to sit down for this!" I said softly for them to do so. I take deep breaths "Aunty Annabelle told me!" I said for mom to slip off her hair and fall onto the ground

'What?" They said at the same time. I smile to them and nod

"Yah, she also told me to tell you guys something!" I said for them to look eager "dad she said she will woup your ass when you die!" I said for his smile to flatter as he rolls his eyes "and mom..." I said calling her that for the first time which was already a surprise for her "...she said to take care. I guess she knew you were going to fall of your chair!" I said for dad and I to laugh while mom rolls her eyes "but she said to both of you that she loves you guys!" I said for them to smile and nod. They walk over and sit on the little bench that comes with the piano with me giving me a hug

"This is the new beginning isn't it?" Mom asked for me to nod

"I guess it is!"

Was the family going to survive and concur, or were they going to stay a broken family forever. Will something more happen, or will it go perfectly as planed. Her heart getting stitched back together. Find out in Book 2: Shattered Pieces

END OF CHAPTER 6. Book 2 soon going to be posted:)

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