Chapter six- Shit Just Got personal

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Taylors POV* 

Dear lord.... Coles sent is potent from here. Jacob turns on his heal and sprints down the staires, i run aftter him but once i reach the bottom step growls and snarrls erupt all around me.. A little blond she-wolf who also carries my mates scent runs in front of me and shifts. She stands in front of me blocking me of my chase.  "GET OUT OF MY PACK HOUSE!"  She yelled in my face,  "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO COME AND YELL AT ME!"  I snarrl at her my teeth growing to sharp points of my wolfs. She smriks and shurgs. " Bitch im the luna of this pack my mate Jacob should of tolld you about me."  I snarrl in protest, I cant belive the one person actualy made for me choose another femail to take my place as luna.... Rain whimpers in the back of my mind not liking it much eather. I shove my way past her and i step out of the door, cole looks at em and then turns his head back to jacob and snarrls. I start to shake from holdign in my pain. I let rain take over my body and we form into one. I shake my wolf head and i start to run over to the west border. A heavy weight nocks  into my side and a pair of teeth grabs my scruff. I yelp and i turn to see Jacob holding me down with his two front paws. I snarrl at him and i bite his sholder it hurts em to do it but I had to get away from him. HE lets out a painfilled yep and jumps off of me. I waste no time in running to the out skirts of his tarittorie. I hear the thundering paws of his warriors, I let out one quick pain filled howl and i take off to who knows where. Its just me and Rain and its time for a change.


Who do you think Taylor should end up with im cerious to see who you guys like. sorry i havent updated any of my books in a while, schools coming near to ending and i have alot of homework. So i couldnt get much time to even write. But here is an update that i hope you guys injoyed. Chapter seven will be up shortly but i hoped you guys injoyed this one. Please rember to Vote and comment your ideas. 

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