Chapter Six

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Grayfoot shrieked at the sight of them "Weaselpaw, Moonpaw, go get help!" He turned his gaze to Raventalon. "Stay and fight with me. We can hold them off for now." Raventalon menacingly shook his head. "No Grayfoot," he growled. "I will kill you and Moonpaw. Weaselpaw will be shut up by me. Yew-wing will be appointed as deputy, then Weaselpaw will become a warrior. I will kill Yew-wing and become deputy, and then murder Hawkstar. ThunderClan will be mine! ShadowClan and I will unite.

"We will take over the forest just as my ancestor, Tigerstar, wanted to. No more excuses, comrades, fight this filthy mouse-heart!" Raventalon plunged into Grayfoot's belly. Grayfoot hissed and sunk his teeth into Raventalon's shoulder. Raventalon screeched in pain as a white ShadowClan tom leaped onto Grayfoot. Moonpaw's first instinct was to fight with everything he'd got.

 Moonpaw leaped onto the ShadowClan tom and scratched his pelt. The tom retaliated and his teeth reached for Moonpaw. Moonpaw leaped off. "Hang in there, Grayfoot! Run when needed!" Moonpaw shouted, dashing towards the camp, Weaselpaw soon caught up, and they lost their footing. They plunged into the camp. "ShadowClan's invading!" Weaselpaw screamed. Yew-wing dashed out of camp, following their scent trail, followed by Darkcloud and Ripplefawn.

Moonpaw longed to go with them, but they would be enough. No cat would believe a new apprentice to win against a horde of ShadowClan cats, let alone fight. Moonpaw went into the medicine den. Shiveringfeather was there. "Dappleheart is out," she meowed. "What can I--?" she broke off as Moonpaw showed her the nasty scratch. "Who did this? I'll claw their pelt of!" she hissed. "Raven--Raventa--Raventalon," panted Moonpaw. Shiveringfeather gasped.

She treated Moonpaw's wound, and he was instructed to go to the apprentices den. Moonpaw was tired from fighting Raventalon, the ShadowClan tom, and dashing into camp, only to fall. He slept inside of his nest, having a dream about the battle.

In the dream, the ShadowClan cats were back. He had been given the same orders, and Weaselpaw immediately left. He heard Raventalon's revelation of his traitorous and murderous wants all over again, but this time, Grayfoot escaped from his claws and left. The ShadowClan cats advanced onto Moonpaw, leaping. He dodged one's claws only to fall into another's. He kicked the cat away. The cat screeched. 

Moonpaw shredded the other two, who ran away. Moonpaw's pelt was now worn and scratched, and his muscles screaming in protest. The remaining cat was the white tom. The tom hissed and lunged at Moonpaw's legs. Moonpaw's knees buckled and the tom pounced onto him. Moonpaw rolled over and forced his head into the tom's belly. The tom screeched in pain and limped away.

Moonpaw, now feeling triumphant, padded calmly back to camp. The cats of his small Clan watched him in awe. Shiveringfeather treated his wounds. "All cats old enough to walk gather here beneath Highledge for a Clan meeting!" Hawkstar's yowl rang about the clearing. "Moonpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Moonfight. Grayfoot has resigned his position as deputy for you. Congratulations, Moonfight!" "Moonfight! Moonfight!" the Clan called. "Also, Moonfight, I am off. Goodbye, ThunderClan! Moonfight is your new leader!" Moonpaw meowed in happiness. "Moonstar! Moonstar!" Moonpaw and Dappleheart went to the so-called Moonpool to get his nine lives.

In his dream, the Moonpool was a small pond isolated from the river, a steep slope leading up to it and, just barely, some flat land next to it. Moonpaw lapped the water, and fell asleep... in his dream. He felt a surge of pride go through him, and he woke up. The dreaming Moonpaw went back to ThunderClan. "Hello, Moonstar!" greeted the Clan. "You are no longer called ThunderClan!" Moonpaw called.

"You are now MoonClan!" Screeches of happiness came from the cats. A paw prodding his side woke him up. "I was having the best dream!" he protested, instantly awake. "I became leader!" "Well, silly," came Weaselpaw's voice over him. "You're still an apprentice. Hawkstar's going to call a Clan meeting for my new mentor!" Sure enough, Hawkstar's voice, as if on queue, rang about the clearing. Moonpaw and Weaselpaw padded into the clearing. "The betrayal of Raventalon was a great loss. Grayfoot and Yew-wing got rid of him forever. He is now dead!" Yowls of cheer rose up from the Clan.

"Our apprentice, Weaselpaw, needs a new mentor." he continued. "His new mentor will be Yew-wing!" "Yew-wing! Yew-wing!" called the Clan. Yew-wing's eyes shone with pride as he came up to Highledge. Weaselpaw licked Yew-wing's shoulder.

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