Chapter Twenty

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Mooneyes slid his claws out and his fur bristled. "Humph, let's chase them off!" he meowed.

"You sure you want to do that?" Ferretheart asked. "Yes, they are trespassing!" WindClan warriors slid out of bushes. 

One of their eyes flickered towards them, and they crouched behind a bushes. "They are here," a white tom mewed. "How ever are we going to retrieve Firefrost now?" a brown tom asked. "She wanted me!  Not that wreck of a cat!" "Shut it! They will hear us!" The white tom hissed. "They already have, rabbit-brain!" snarled the brown tom. "Sparrowrunner, be quiet!" growled the white tom. Sparrowrunner narrowed his eyes but was silent.

"Ferretheart, go get backup! We can scare them back with sheer force!" Mooneyes mewed almost silently. Ferretheart gave the slightest of nods and dashed back to camp, bushes and leaves barely moving in her wake. Though this to be true, the WindClan warriors pricked their ears.

"Who's there?" Sparrowrunner hissed. "Are you stupid?" asked the white tom. "Why are we asking 'Who's there?' in their territory!" Mooneyes' paws itched to leap out, but that would be a mouse-brained idea. Sparrowrunner and the white tom could beat him in a few heartbeats.

Soon Ferretheart, Grayfoot, Weaselface, Hedgeclaw, and Gorsepaw were there. Mooneyes thoughts drifted to Gorsepaw. He was there? Perhaps to watch the warriors fight and learn.

They crouched behind Mooneyes' bush. "On three, we jump out."

"One..." Mooneyes started.

"Two..." Weaselface's gaze flickered toward the WindClan warriors.

"Three!" His yowl echoed through the forest as the leaped out. The WindClan warriors screeched as the plowed into them.  Four more cats slipped out of the bushed. A tortoiseshell she-cat, and gray tom, pale ginger tabby she-cat, and a brown tabby tom. We're outnumbered! Mooneyes realized with a jolt. It was five to six. He crouched, ready to fight. Then we'll fight harder. "Maplepaw, go get the prey," ordered Sparrowrunner. The tortoiseshell she-cat nodded and dashed off. Soon she returned with a few mice and one vole. Now we have a better reason to win!  "Prey-stealers!" Mooneyes snarled.

"So you say," the white tom mewed. He flicked his tail sharply at the gray tom and Sparrowrunner. Completely caught unprepared, they smashed into the ThunderClan warriors. Mooneyes watched his brown wrestle the brown tabby tom, but before he could jump in Sparrowrunner plowed into him, knocking him to the ground. As Sparrowrunner landed a few blows to his back, Mooneyes rolled over suddenly and crushed Sparrowrunner. Sparrowrunner screeched and Mooneyes felt weight on him. He looked up and saw the small gray tom. Mooneyes easily batted the tom away with a few blows to his ear and flung around to see Sparrowrunner's fearful face. Mooneyes dug his claws into Sparrowrunner's belly, yet making sure the wound was not deep. "Let me go!" Sparrowrunner begged. "Give us the prey!" Mooneyes hissed.

"Never!" came the white tom's screech. Mooneyes shrieked in surprise and closed his eyes and tore his scruff away from the white tom and blindly landed blows. Leaves blew up into his face and he heard the white tom collapse. Blood smeared his face and tail. Mooneyes flattened his ears and lifted his paw. He waited for the white tom to move. He put his lifted paw on the tom's chest and shook him. "Stop," he croaked. "Go back, you're no good here," Mooneyes told him. He help the white tom up and the tom limped away. His turned his head over his shoulder in a tired smile that only meant "Thanks."

Mooneyes gave a nod and turned to look at the battle. The WindClan warriors were a mess, more so ThunderClan. Ferretheart was battling Maplepaw and the gray tom. Grayfoot was on his back, fear flashing in his eyes as Sparrowrunner held him in a helpless position, no way to fight back. Sparrowrunner's paw clasped his throat. Mooneyes shrieked and raced towards Sparrowrunner. Sparrowrunner turned his head in time to see Mooneyes plow into him. "I let you go, but this time it won't be so easy to escape," Mooneyes hissed. His gaze flickered towards his belly wound. "Want it deeper?" he snarled. "If not, I will personally escort you to the border and make you go."

Sparrowrunner's claws latched onto Mooneyes' shoulders. He pushed with his paws and pulled Mooneyes under him. Mooneyes pummeled Sparrowrunner's belly with his hind paws, eventually kicking him away. He looked around quickly. They were losing. The only remaining warriors were Ferretheart, Grayfoot, and Weaselface. Perhaps Gorsepaw and been told to run, or have ran himself, because he wasn't there.

Ferretheart fought Maplepaw. Grayfoot and Weaselface battled the gray tom and the brown tabby tom. Sparrowrunner was laying low, watching the battle. Maplepaw screeched and ran off. "Come on, Lizardpaw!" she said. The gray tom looked at Maplepaw. "Coming!" he mewed. Lizardpaw ran off. Sparrowrunner followed close behind. They collected the stolen prey and marked the borders. They went home.

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