Chapter 13 - Is it me?

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I woke up on the couch in confusion.

When did I fall asleep?

Then everything came flooding back to me. I got up quickly and locked every possible entrance, no way in hell was I letting him in this time.

I know he still has a key but I will make sure to block that door with a drawer or something. I'm going to have to ask the landlady for a new doorknob.


I was eating cereal when I heard someone unlock the door. I ran up to the door and closed it so fast that it had to look inhuman.

They began knocking, but I ignored it.

"Hey! Dylan, I know you are blocking the door, but you do know that I'm stronger than you, right?" A familiar voice said as the door swung open causing me to stumble.

I was about to fall being the clumsy guy I am but was caught by none other than Cupid.

Of course he is here.

"Hey Dylan, you look good, as always," he said as I got out of his grip.

"What are you doing here Cupid?" I asked mildly annoyed.

"Obviously I'm here to steal your heart," He winked pretending to shoot me in the chest.

"As if you could," I walked towards the kitchen to finish my cereal.

He followed and sat across from me on the other chair.

I sighed, "What are you still doing here?"

"I'm here to watch your every move and make sure you're doing well. Also to reiterate, I'm here to make you fall in love with me," he grinned.

"So basically you're stalking me?"

"I like to call it worrying for someone, you know? I'm just making sure you're not making contact with any people who seem to want to get close to you," he reached over and tried to take a piece of cereal from my bowl.

I slapped his hand away, "Don't try to take other people's food if you wanted some, you could've just asked," I said getting up to get another bowl of cereal for him.

As I was making the other cereal, I heard my bowl being moved so I turned and saw Cupid already eating mine.

"Of course you ate my fucking cereal, what did I expect?" I got the other bowl of cereal and sat back down.

"I just like messing with you, you're so cute when you're mad."

I felt myself blush.

"Awww, look you're blushing," he teased.

My cheeks flushed even more.

"Shut up," I rubbed my face hoping it would help.

"It's okay to blush Dylan, I already know you like me, it's normal for people to blush when they are with the one they love," he chuckled.

"I DON'T like you," I got up and walked to the bathroom quickly.

UGH! What is with this guy?! I hate him so much! I can't stand the sight of him! I DON'T like him at all, not one bit! I must have been going crazy when I thought I liked him.

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