Chapter 45 - Tell me what I missed

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"So, what happened while I was gone?" Cupid asked.

We were currently in the living room sitting on the couch.

"Nothing interesting unless you want to hear about my emotional breakdown," I laughed as if it were funny, but Cupid looked sad.

He suddenly pulled me towards him and into a hug.

"Dylan I'm so sorry, I should have never gotten us into this trouble, you were here crying your heart out while I knew nothing and lived as if everything was normal," he held me as if I'd vanish from his arms, but I pulled away.

"It's fine, you couldn't control it and anyone in your position would have been the same, I was fine, really," I couldn't lie, I felt hot tears rolling down my cheeks as I spoke and I wanted to seem like it was okay, but it wasn't. I spent the whole time he was gone crying on my bed and skipping meals, I couldn't do anything and I felt as if my life no longer had a purpose. He was the one who changed everything, he made me feel hope and love, something no one else could do.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed when Cupid wrapped his arms around me nor when I started bawling my eyes out like a baby.

"You don't have to lie to me Dylan, it's okay to cry. What happened was horrible and you have every right to cry," he rubbed my back trying to calm me down and continued to say random things to make me feel better.

Before I knew it I was falling asleep.



I woke up in the morning on Dylan's couch holding him in my arms.

I'm so glad that wasn't another dream, also, who knew this couch could actually be comfortable?

I ran my fingers through Dylan's nest of hair and stared at him. He had bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days, they were also really red, his hair was messier than usual, and he was a lot thinner than before.

I felt a tear escape my eyes. I really am mad at myself for putting him through all this.

God damn it if it weren't for me being a jealous asshole this would have never happened. Why did I let this happen?!

I hated myself so much, I had finally found someone I truly loved and I ruined it.

What is wrong with me? For the god of love, I really am a lost cause when it comes to my own happiness.

I felt Dylan wake up and quickly wiped away my tears.

"Good morning beautiful," I replaced my frown with a smile.

"Hmm, good morning...what time is it?" He asked sitting up and yawning afterward.

"I'm not sure probably really early in the morning seeing as the sun is still down," I stretched.

I saw him pinch himself.

"What are you doing?" I furrowed my brows.

"I've had dreams like this multiple times and I needed to make sure I wouldn't be disappointed this time," he sighed in relief.

"Can we go for a walk?" I randomly asked.

"Huh? Um, yeah, just let me go shower and brush my teeth real quick," he smiled and got up heading towards the bathroom.

"How could I have forgotten about such a wonderful human being?" I whispered to myself.


After Dylan and I freshened up and got ready for the day we were out of the apartment and on the streets.

Not many people were out at this time, I guess we really did wake up early.

I reached out to grab his hand, which he hesitated at first but ended up taking it.

I needed to fix this feeling in the atmosphere. It felt different, full of fear and sadness, there was no room for happiness or enjoyment. It's like moving away from the home you've always known and into this place that won't accept you no matter what you do. It's like things changed into this horrible feeling and we can't be the same again. I needed to fix this.

I held on tightly to his hand as I teleported us to a hill in heavens knows where. All I knew was that it was still night here and you could see all the stars shining in the sky some shining bright, others dim, some falling, others staying in the exact same spot they'd been in for eons.

We stood there still holding hands looking at the view before us as if in a trance that made us feel like everything stopped. It made things feel like everything would be okay again.

"Dylan, I want to know what really happened while I was gone," I spoke snapping him out of his gaze.

I was now facing him holding both of his hands.

"There really isn't much to tell, after you left everything else did too. Seth disappeared, which didn't matter to me, Melody was gone too, my adopted sister left as well, she probably had school, and Rachel and Rose were gone way before everything happened, they went on some trip, so I was basically alone," he filled in the gaps.

"They probably told Melody and Seth to not associate themselves with you anymore since I was supposed to vanish from your life forever," I said mostly to myself.

"Yeah...that's pretty much it," he scratched the back of his head.

"I want to get past this Dylan, I have this guilty feeling in my heart and I feel like I messed everything up and every time I think about it I feel like the biggest jerk, and I just want to punch myself until I'm nothing but blood and bruises," I spilled my emotions out to him because they were eating me up.

He hugged me tightly, "It's okay, it wasn't your fault and even if it was, can't you see I'm happy to have you back? I don't care about what life was like two days ago or the days before it, I care about today, I care about you, and I care that you came back. I love you, Eros, and I always will even if you make mistakes or if we fight, I will never stop being in love with you." 

At this point, I was basically a river of tears. "I didn't think you'd be the mushy type Dylan, I love you too always and forever," I pulled away from the hug and kissed his forehead.

He said my real name (╥‿╥).

"Don't think I'm going soft on you, you're still a pervert," he blushed.

"God I'm glad I get to witness your shy side again," I wrapped my arms around him not being able to get enough of the feeling.

I won't mess up again, you are too precious to lose.

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