Chapter 9

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I was lying in a garden, the grass tips bent lazily in the wind and I rest my head on Theo's lap. My face felt the warm light of the mid summer day. Theo was reading his favorite book to me, The Hunger Games. His voice was low and soft but powerful enough to send chills through my body.

He read each page patiently for me. I was amazed by how well he explained every chapter to me.

Because honestly I wouldn't take the time and effort to reread a book to someone, I wouldn't even care enough to explain the story line of the book, rather I'll search up the summary of the book and tell them to read it.

Theo's voice rumbles as he reads to me "The End"

"So what do you think eh?" He asks satisfactorily
"I would die" I said trying to appropriately answer his question
"What?" His face expression suddenly started shaping to confused as though I had asked him to do my math homework
"I suck at paying attention to rules or disclaimers. So if I were katniss and my mentor came to me 60 seconds before the hunger games and told me not to run into the center, all I would possibly think about is finding a washroom cause I had a large slurpy that morning"

Theo gives me a straight face while nodding his head conveying that he is still listening although I was just mocking everything we did in the past hour and half.

"Okay I've a question. If someone steps off the platform in the arena before the countdown ends, they blow you off right?" I ask
"Yes, correct" he shakes his head in agreement
I burst out laughing.
"Now what? Why is it suppose to be funny?"
I sit up, trying to control my laughter.
"I would surely die in that one too cause they'll be up like...10, 9, 8-- and I would be standing there confused about whether to go on 1 or 0. I'd be there trying to stop the hunger games to get this clarified while the timer would go 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... And I'd start running and boof! I'd be dead"

"Okay you're dumb" Theo said sarcastically "Anything else?"
"Yeah lastly, I wouldn't fall in love with someone like Peeta"
Theo's face tenses up into an agitated question mark
"Dude I'm sorry, he's cute but I can't be babysitting him all the time cause I'd be up there trying to survive and trying to get home safe and he'd be up there trying to eat poisonous berries, trying to cuddle in the middle of Hunger Games. No! I wouldn't be able to deal with him cause I'd be trying to catch some fish and not his feelings. Peace out Peeta."

Theo started laughing hysterically. Slapping his hand on his knee, he could barely breathe. In those moments of his laughter I could perfectly describe it as the deep rumbling which warms your heart. He chuckled slowly and warmly, reminding me of honey. His laugh was like the warm waterfall. The warmth inside of me rose and I couldn't help but stifle a grin. It was more than just adorable I could say.

"Stop Kia, you're really hilarious"he said bringing his outburst of laughter under control.
Still lost in how perfect he is, I don't hear him.
" Hellooo?" He shakes me, trying to bring me back to my senses "What are you thinking about?"
"Do you know how cute your smile is? Perhaps 'smile' isn't the right word for it. The way your lips lift upward, the way your one dimple crinkles. The warm glow of your happiness is a ray of sunshine" I said, failing to perfectly describe how lovely it was to see him smile.

"I see it sunburned my Harley Quinn" He grinned as tousled the loose strand of my hair to the back of my ear.

As soon as he touched me, my worries whisked away like a bunch of fruit-flies caught in a heavy gust of wind. Warmth rushed through my veins. Now even if the world around me started collapsing, my heart would not get crushed as long as his hand were on my skin.

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