Getting cosy

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I was sitting on the couch in the sitting room when Paul came home from patrol. I was wearing my favourite Calvin Klein pyjamas that my father had bought me before I left. Emily and Sam, Jared and Kim, Embry and Carol, Seth, Jake and Quil were also there to. We were watching a horror movie.

I got up off my seat and left to get popcorn. When I returned Paul was sitting in my spot on the couch. 'Really? Now I have to sit on the floor.' I huffed. 'No you don't' Paul stated and with that he grabbed my waist, pulling me onto his lap. I blushed a deep red and Paul just smirked. Nonetheless I settled myself on Paul's lap, feeling a lot safer with him beside me. Paul's arm found its way around my waist and mine his neck.

As the movie was climaxing it was becoming scarier by the minute. Paul's grip tightened on my waist as he could sense my fear. In the last horrific scene, it was all to much. I jumped out of my skin and buried my head in Paul's neck.  Most of the other imprints did the same, even he boys were tense. Paul whispered sweet nothings into my ear until I finally came round. 'Curse you Jacob Black! We are never watching a movie like that again and I am never watching a movie you pick either' I stated. The boys laughed although the imprints nodded in agreement.

'Right I'm off to bed. See you in the morning Sammy.' I yawned. 'Have a good sleep' Sam replied. I walked to the kitchen to bring out my dishes. Suddenly I felt two very strong arms snake their way around my waist. I smirked, he just couldn't stay away. I turned around in his hold to face him. Before he could speak I smashed my lips to his. Taking him by surprise, but he quickly started to kiss back. The kiss heated into a make out session. Paul pick me up and put me on the counter. I wrapped my legs around his torso and he locked his around my waist. 'Ew ew ew ew! Why does there have to be so much PDA!' We broke apart to see a very disgusted Seth. 'Well don't watch then' I replied with a smirk. I hoped off the counter gave Paul a sexy kiss on the cheek and went to bed. I could feel Paul's gaze on me whole way up the stairs. I jumped into bed, it was a very exhausting day. I pulled the covers over my body and slipped away into a peaceful sleep, filled with dreams and hopes for Paul and I.

I woke up to the amazing smell of Emily's cooking. I turned to see the sunlight peeking through my curtains. Today was my date with Paul and as much as I was excited, I was nervous. I had been on
many dates in Australia but none was of them ever meant anything.

I got out of bed, headed to the bathroom to make myself presentable and then headed downstairs. As I was walking down I could hear all the boys and imprints talking and laughing. I smiled to myself, this is the life I knew I wanted. I entered the kitchen. 'Morning Sierra' Emily chanted. 'I've a plate set aside for you once your ready to eat because these boys are pigs and never leave anything behind!' 'Oi! simmer down woman, a mans gotta eat!' Sam retaliated as he entered the kitchen from outside. He must have had patrol I thought. 'Morning sis' he spoke. 'Morning Sammy and Emily' I replied as I made my way into the kitchen to get coffee. I walked back to the table in hope I would find a sit but as per usual they were all taken. Paul turned to me and smirked. He pushed his chair back and pulled my into his lap. I no longer blushed at this which I was grateful for instead I smirked myself and settled on his lap. Paul set his hand on have on my hip and he used his other to eat his food. I took a piece of Paul's bacon from his plate and ate it. Everyone stopped talking and watched us. Paul thought for a moment and then fed me his last bite. Everyone stared in shock and Emily's face held one of awe. 'What?' I asked, my mouth full. 'Paul doesn't share food' Sam replied staring at us. 'I for one, think it's cute' Emily commented smiling. With that everyone continued to eat. I turned to face Paul. 'Is it true?' I asked. 'Well yeah, but I'd give up a lot more than just my food for you' he answered. I was awestruck. How could I be so lucky? and why my? I'm nothing special yet I have this amazing guy in front of me. 'What are you thinking about?' Paul asked, slightly concerned. 'How lucky I am' I replied and with that I placed a loving kiss onto his cherry red lips. We broke apart and Paul smiled 'I'm the lucky one Sierra.'

The boys came rushing in from their game of football. 'Who wants to go cliff diving?' Jake asked enthusiastically. All  the boys agreed and headed off to the cliffs, Sam and Paul were hesitant about letting me and Emily go but we eventually convinced them. We needed time to get ready so we told them to walk ahead but they refused and said they would wait on the porch.

Emily and I walked up the stairs into our rooms to get ready. I put on my favourite high waisted bikini that highlights my assets and threw a shawl over that. I put my hair on a messy bun, grabbed my sunglasses and headed down to the boys. Emily was still packing a picnic so Sam told me and Paul to walk on ahead. Paul intertwined our hands and set off walking. I smiled up at him in love and adoration. Once we reached the beech we took a spot next to where the rest of the boys had set up. Paul put out our towel and I took off my shawl. I turned to face Paul who was already staring at me. When we locked eyes he blushed a deep red and continued to set up. I smirked to myself, satisfied. I sense Paul walking behind me as I made my way to the water so I splashed him and yelled 'catch me if you can!' With that I took of running down the beech as fast as I could. 'Your on babe' I could hear him yell as I ran away. Paul was hot on my heels but I was also really fast. I knew he would beat me though, him being a wolf and all but that didn't stop me from trying!

All of a sudden I tripped over a stone in the sand and feel on my arse. Paul tripped on the same stone and feel on top of me. Paul used his hands to pin my arms over my head. 'Told you I'd get you' he whispered and then he started to place small butterfly kiss up my neck until he reached my lips. He locked out lips together for a split second and then broke apart. He smirked down at me and jumped up onto his feet. He sensed my frustration and smiled proudly of himself.

After hours of playing football, messing in the water and the odd make out session. It was time for me to head back to get ready for my date. I kissed Paul on the cheek and headed back to Sam's with Emily by my side. She had told me she wanted to help me get ready and I gladly accepted the help.

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