Unraveling the truth

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I rolled over in the bed, trying to find my heat source which I call my boyfriend. When I couldn't find him, I opened my eyes only to see a note stuck to my forehead. I pulled it off so I could read it. 'Had to go on patrol, see you at lunch. Love P xx (p.s you look adorable when you sleep)' is what it read. I felt my heartbeat rise as the thought of Paul watching me sleep crept into my mind. I didn't have a problem with it at all, I just started to feel self-conscious. I grabbed my phone off of the locker to check the time. 13:15. Oh crap, I thought, the boys will have all the food gone!

I jumped out of the bed and ran down the stairs. I was wearing a pair of black high waist shorts and a multi coloured sports bra. When I entered the kitchen, everyone was there. All the boys and their imprints. It was then that I realised how pretty all of the other imprints were and I was just standing there in my pyjamas. Until the smell of Emily's cooking shook all of those thoughts out of my head.

'Morning Em' I smiled. 'Morning Sierra, don't worry I've food kept for you in the kitchen' she said. I ran up and hugged her. 'Your the best Emmy!' I shouted in her ear. She rolled her eyes at me.

'What about me?' I heard the husky voice of my boyfriend say. His voice alone gave my shivers. I turned around to face him. He was standing up, beside Embry, leaning against the wall. I slowly made my way over to him, until I was directly in front of him. I had to look up due to our height difference. 'What about you?' I asked as I intertwined our hands. 'Don't I get a good morning kiss?' He asked with a smirk. I smirked back and stood on my tippy toes. I place my hands on his face and connected our lips. Paul's hands found there way to my waist. The kiss heated quickly and we both forgot about the room full of people that we were in. I felt Paul's tongue trace my lip asking for entrance. Feeling rebellious, I denied him entrance and bit his lip in return. At this I heard him growl. I pulled away, satisfied with myself.

I turned around to see everyone staring at us. I felt my checks heat. 'Now that's what you call a kiss' Jared commented. Causing Kim to glare at him while I whacked him over the head and walked into the kitchen to find my food. 'Still hungry?' Emily tried to ask innocently. 'Shut it Em and yes I am' I replied avoiding eye contact. 'You should be thankful your brother wasn't here to see your little game of tonsil tennis' Emily smirked as she handed me my food.

I walked out of the kitchen to see everyone smirking at me. 'What's going on?' Sam asked as he walked through the door. I turned in horror to see him behind me. 'I'm eating outside' I stated and with that I grabbed my plate and headed for the door. Not before kicking Jared in the shin to remind him not to open his mouth. I sat down on one of the chairs on the porch and started to eat my food.

I heard a thud, I looked up to see Paul sitting across from me, smirking. 'What?' I asked, looking down as my cheeks went red. 'You have no idea how hot that was' he stated. I looked up to see him smiling at me. I picked up one of my rashers and threw it at him. He caught it in his mouth and laughed. I glared back. 'Wanna go to the beech today? Everyone else is heading down there aswell' he asked. I smiled at him 'I'd love to. Anyways Seeing you shirtless and wet isn't the worst thing in the world.' 'Ha ha aren't you so funny.' He replied, sarcastically.

We headed back inside and Paul took my plate to the kitchen. 'You coming to the beech?' Sam asked. 'Yeah, course!' I replied 'I just have to get changed.' I headed up the stairs to my room. I closed the door and walked to my wardrobe. I looked through my pile of bikinis trying to figure out which one to wear. Paul hadn't seen my scars yet and I was feeling extremely nervous, but it was bound to happen sometime so I guess there's no time like the present.

After much debating, I finally decided on my favourite baby pink bikini. This one, unlike my high waist bikini, didn't hide the memories of my past. But I was ready for him to know, he had to. I threw it on and put a summer dress over it. I did my hair in a messy bun and put on some light makeup. Lastly I slipped my manicured toes into my flip flops and headed downstairs. Just as I reached the bottom I saw all the boys rushing and racing out the door to see who could get to the beach first. Sam helped Emily carry the picnic basket out, along with drinks while Paul hung to the back of the group staring at me. I glanced up to meet his eyes. He was smiling down at me while he reached his hand out for me to take. I smiled back, and intertwined our fingers. We walked in silence, until we reached the beginning of the beech and we could hear all the boys shouting and messing. 'You always hear them before you see them' I muttered. Paul chuckled in response.

We reached Sam and Emily, Paul put our towel out on the ground. I didn't fail to notice how small the towel was, meaning we would have to be in a very close proximity in order to fit on it. Not that I minded. Sam looked at me, noticing my nerves. 'You alright Sie?' He asked, worried. I glanced at him, before answering. 'Um...yeah I'm fine' I stuttered. At this Paul looked up 'You sure babe?' Paul asked, slightly panicked. 'Yeah...but can I talk to you for a second...alone...please' I asked, keeping my eyes focused on the ground. Sam realised what I was about to tell Paul, so he nodded and gave me a reassuring look. 'Yeah of course we can' Paul replied, immediately.

We walked to the edge of the forest and sat down on the rocks. Minutes passed and we just sat in the calm silence. 'So was there something you wanted to tell me?' Paul asked, concern lacing his voice. I chanced a look at him. His eyes were loving and inviting and I knew then that I was doing the right thing. 'Um...yeah' I replied, twiddling my thumbs. 'Sierra, you can tell me anything. I won't judge you. You mean the world to mean' Paul stated while taking one of my hands in his. 'I know, so just let me say this out because if I don't say it now I don't know if I ever will' I said, Paul nodded in response. 'While I was in Australia my life wasn't always perfect, towards the end it was but in the beginning I sorta got involved with the wrong people. Anyways my boyfriend, Casey, at the time was trying to help his brother out of trouble with the law.' I took a deep breath in and my heart began to race as the memories came flooding back. Paul rubbed his thumb over my thumb to try calm me down a bit. 'One night, Casey went with his brothers to try end this, I knew he could be in trouble so I followed after them. They were in a shed trying to predict there next move, when the saw me, Casey wasn't happy but wanted my to stay safe. In the midst of all the quieted arguing, two gun shots were fired.' I glanced at Paul to see tears rimming his eyelids, while my tears were freely flowing down my checks. I took another deep breath before continuing. 'One shot hit Casey straight through his heart, he died instantly. While the other shot hit me. It hit me just above my right pelvis, damaging organs and upon falling to the ground I broke four ribs. I spent the next three month in hospital, I lost the power to my legs after the accident so I felt like a toddler trying to learn how to walk again. It was horrible.' I paused again, recomposing myself. Paul took this opportunity to ask a question. 'Babe I can't believe you had to go through that, but why tell me now?' He whispered. 'I'm getting there, the reason I have to tell you is because I have scars from the accident. And I need you to see them, before the rest of the pack.' With that I stood up and lifted my dress off, exposing that massive stitch line that ran just above my pelvis. The area around the wound was still discoloured.

What happened next is what I least expected. Paul looked into my eyes before kneeling in front of my wound and placing kisses the whole way along it. It was in that moment that I knew I loved him. Paul stood back up on his feet and placed his hands on my waist. 'Your beautiful' he whispered in my ear. I wrapped my arms around his neck before looking him straight in the eye. 'I love you Paul Ethan Lahote' I said, speaking every word with love and adoration. His eyes grew big as he realised my confession. In that moment I saw his smile grow ten times bigger. 'I love you to Sierra Chloe Uley' he replied, smiling down at me. I smiled back before I stood up on my tippy toes to kiss him, he deepened the kiss. We were busy making out until I felt a freezing cold sensation come over me. It took my a minute to realise we had a bucket of water thrown over us.

I whipped around to see Embry and Quil running away doing a victory dance. I looked back at Paul to see that his eyes held the same mischievous glint that mine held.

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