Party Time

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The after party and meal to Emily and Sam's wedding was also on the beech, in a more secluded area. We took pictures along the shore line and up on the cliffs before taking our seats at the tables.

The food was indescribably delicious. Sue had created the menu and dishes. I sat to Emily's left and Paul to Sam's right. It was coming time for the speeches and Sam took to the stand to make a tear jerking and heartfelt speech to Emily. He also thanked all of the people who made their wedding possible and mentioned our oversized but amazing family. Emily's father was next, he too made an emotional speech speaking of his daughters big heart and uncountable achievements. Having cried through both speech's, I was finally composing myself until I heard an all to familiar voice through the microphone.

"I hope you've all enjoyed the night so far, there's plenty more to come. I, personally, am looking forward to seeing Sam dance! My name's Paul, and Sam gave my the great honour of being his best man on his special day. I've known Sam ever since I joined the tribe, we had been friends before but that friendship strengthened once we shifted. He understood my frustrations. He helped my through some of my darkest times. Emily and Sam make an amazing couple, and I wish them all the luck in the world in their marriage. But aside for that, I have a massive thank you to say to Sam. As he is the reason that I have met the love of my life, Sierra Uley. When she came home only a few months ago I had never known that I could fall this much in love with her so soon"

Tears of love were streaming down my face as I locked eyes with Paul for the remainder of his speech.

"Sierra, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you with all my heart. And, sorry Sam, but one day in the hopefully near future that will be me and you standing at the top of that aisle. You are such an inspirational, friendly and caring person. You have seen things that only appear in others nightmares. And you have come out stronger than ever, you have my heart and I will always be here for you. I love you."

Paul winked at me as I blushed deeply and giggled.

"Having said that, let's raise our glasses to the happy couple."

The room was filled with cheers and the clinking of glasses. As Paul made his way over to me, with that smirk of his plastered on his face. He walked up to me and took my hand. We walked onto the dance floor as one of my favourite slow songs came on. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed his on my waist. We swayed together in time to the music, forgetting any existence other than ourselves.

"I meant every word I said" Paul stated as we locked eyes. "I love you so much, and one day I do intend to make you Mrs Lahote."

I smiled lovingly up to his, unable to comprehend my unconditional love for him "I'll hold you to that" I whispered as I locked our lips. We kissed passionately, just being in the moment together.

We broke apart hearing a throat clear behind us. It was my Dad. "Mind if I steal her for a dance?"

"Of course not Sir." Paul replied, kissing the back of my hand before giving it to my father.

"You enjoy the day dad?" I asked him as we waltzed slowly.

"Of course Sie, it was definitely a day to remember." dad said, smiling lovingly. "You know, even though to me there will never be anybody worthy of you Sierra...Paul does come very close. And, not that I'm encouraging marraige but I would happily give you two my blessing." My dad stated, smiling as tears rimmed his eyes. "He gets you Sierra, he has made you the happiest I've seen you in years. I'll forever thank him for that, because I cannot bare to see you hurt."

I stood on my tippy toes and hugged my dad, hearing him say that was all I've ever wanted and reassured me that I was doing the right thing. "Thank you so much dad, I love you."

"I love you to Sierra, always have always will."

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