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While they were singing the first verse I could've sworn I saw Jihoon  scanning the crowd.  I don't know who or what he was looking for. Me maybe?  I shook that thought out of my head as soon as I thought it.  Why would he?  He didn't care about me before I came out, why would he now?  They kept playing and it was his turn to sing...

He put his hand to his eye and I saw him wipe a tear away.  He was crying and his voice cracked as he sang his part.  I felt the tears sting my eyes one more time and I didn't hold back.  I let them flow and I just watched him. 
He turned his back, and ran off stage leaving the other members there to finish off the song.   As soon as he ran backstage, I pushed my way through the crowd to find him.  Once I got backstage, the crew pointed me to their dressing room where I saw him sitting with his head in his hands.  I stood from a distance and watched as his chest heaved with sobs.  My boyfriend, my superhero, was here broken down in front of me.  I sat next to him and rested my chin on his shoulder.  He looked at me and his lip quivered.

"J-jagjya. I'm sorry.  I love you." He whispered.

I took his face in my hands and I kissed him.  I missed him so much and to see how he was right now was heartbreaking.  He really did love me and I was just too selfish to see it.  He hugged me tight and we just stayed like that.  I melted in his arms and we just held each other and whispered how much we loved each other.  It was long overdue and we would never let that happen. EVER AGAIN.

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