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Scott slashed at the werewolf in front of him, ripping out his throat and dropping the corpse to the ground. His eyes glowed red as he looked around the battlefield. He had long since accepted that sometimes, death is the answer. Lydia was fighting off a couple of the werewolves and he shot over, punching on one of them from behind and ripping his head off with his teeth. He released the head from his jaws as the decapitated body dropped to the ground. Lydia nodded her thanks to him ands she took down the other wolf. The wolf Scott bounded away to find the Alpha of the pack. He found Derek fighting him, and Scott bounded to the fight and punched on the Alpha, who had only mastered Beta form. They rolled over each other for a while, fighting with everything they had. Scott finally got the upper hand, teeth finding the alpha's throat and ripping it out. Scott howled his victory and the other wolves tool off, afraid of this new alpha. Scott shifted back and brought his pack to him, taking the offered clothes from his girlfriend. He did a head count and his eyes grew wide as he realise something.

"Guys, where's Stiles?"

They searched high and low for him for almost a year. When they still couldn't find him, they accepted the fact that their pack member was gone. Allisom, Boyd, abd Erca had all come back to life not long after the battle, the nematon bringing them back and aging them into what they would like if they hadnt died as tennagers. 13 years later, they had moved on with their lives. Of course, they kept the memory of him alive and they kept their eyes and ears open for any sign of their red hooded, baseball wielding friend, but they moved on with their lives, getting married, having kids, going to college. The works. But they would never forget Stiles. And Scott vowed on his life that he would find his brother, even if it took his life. What he didn't know, was that he was about to find him. Very very soon.

Hi guys! I had this random idea to do this story and I hope you guys liked this. I might going to post a chapter of who's married to who, who has kids, what job they have and all that. I don't know though.. But until the next chapter comes out, I hope you liked this!

(Btw, sorry it's so short. But it is a prolough, so I guess it doesn't matter that much.)

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