Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ok guys, this is my first book on Wattpad, so it might suck. And I’m not good at writing beginnings anyway, so it just might suck more. Anyway, thanks for reading!



The third period bell rang, signaling my worst high school fear. Detention. “Crap,” I muttered under my breath as I turned the corner into the biology hallway.

My teacher, Mr. Burns, was just about to close the door when he spotted me. He shook his balding head. “That’s four tardies, Ms. Baker. Do you know what that means?” He turned to his clipboard without waiting for an explanation and scribbled on a piece of paper. Then he handed me a yellow slip of paper that I kept my eyes off of.

I grumbled something unintelligent quietly enough so he wouldn’t hear. I kept staring at my feet as I slowly walked into the classroom. I found a seat in the back and sat down. None of my friends were in this class with me, which made this suck even more.

I stared glumly at my shoes, wishing this class would end quickly. While staring at my ruined pair of Converse, I heard a male’s voice say, “Hey, Mr. Burn!”

“Jason. You’re late. Again,” I heard Mr. Burn respond. He turned to me. “Emily, it looks like you’ll have a detention buddy this afternoon.”

I stared at Jason. His blonde hair was slightly tousled and in his face. His bright blue eyes twinkled in amusement, though I have no idea why he would be so happy. His lips quirked up into a smile.

Oh, wonderful. Not only did I have a detention. I had a detention with the most arrogant, egotistical guy in the school. He flashed me a smirk before taking a seat behind a blonde girl whose name was Madison.

He tapped her shoulder playfully and Madison turned around quickly, her cheeks as bright red as scarlet. He looked away quickly and his bright blue eyes landed on mine. He laughed quietly, making a face at me. I rolled my eyes and turned away, peeling my eyes away from his.

To my dismay, biology didn’t end as quickly as I had hoped. When it finally did, I stormed out of the classroom and headed to my locker.

My locker partner/best friend, Hayley, was putting in her locker combination when I arrived. “Hey,” she said. Her light brown hair was tied back in a French braid, little tints of red in it since she dyed it just in the summer. Her hazel eyes looked me over, already seeing past my horrible facade.

I smiled lightly. “Hey.”

“What’s up?” she asked in a curious tone.

It was funny how she could always know what I was thinking, but I guess being my best friend for over five years had its benefits. “Oh you know, bio homework.” She arched an eyebrow at me. I opened my locker and added, “Oh, and I got a detention.”

“Emily!” Hayley exclaimed.

“Hayley!” I said back.

She rolled her eyes. “Emily, your mom’s going to freak.”

I shrugged. “It’s not like she’ll notice.”

“Right. Your mom won’t notice when one of her daughters didn’t get home.”

“She has to work late tonight,” I said simply, throwing my stuff into my locker. “Besides, Sarah can stay home by herself. She’s done it plenty of times before.”

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